Todays Bird News
National Megas News
Booted Eagle-Marazion-Cornwall
American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland
Canvasback-Abberton Reservoir-Essex
Cheshire and Wirral Bird News
580 Shelduck, 190 Pintail,ringtail Hen Harrier,Peregrine,8 Common Snipe,2 Jack Snipe,2 Water Rail,170 Skylark off Target Road on incoming tide - Heswall Shore.
Little Stint by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ribgtail) - Parkgate.
Hawfinch-Still showing well in trees near lido-Marbury Country Park
Green Winged Teal-Drake still on Rosemary's Flood-Sandbach Flashes
Ruddy Shelduck-Still on River Mersey-Widnes
Russian White Fronted Goose-At Bradley Orchard Farm in field above Bowdens Lock
Penduline Tit-1st-winter still on No 4 Bed-Woolston Eyes-Permit Only