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Todays Bird News

National Megas News

Booted Eagle-Marazion-Cornwall

American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Canvasback-Abberton Reservoir-Essex

Cheshire and Wirral Bird News

Russian White Fronted Goose-Two still showing well in field off Talbot Avenue-Thornton Hough

Russian White Fronted Goose
(C)Paul Ralston

Eurasian Bittern-One briefly in flight over reedbed off The Boathouse pub-Parkgate

Hen Harrier-Adult male again from Old Baths car park-Parkgate

Little Stint-One again on beach off tennis courts-Hoylake

Greater Scaup-Female still on No 6 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

Russian White Fronted Goose-Still at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Green Winged Teal-Drake still on River Wheelock viewed through hedge west of Clay Lane/Brook Farm Lane junction-Sandbach Flashes

Hawfinch-At least three still-Marbury Country Park