Marsh tits are scarce residents in Cheshire and Wirral, and they are now on the Red List of species of conservation concern, following a sustained fall in their national population.
A brilliant morning was spent watching this scarce species, and it is a site I will definitely be visiting again in the spring.
After dropping Owen off back at home, I picked Jenna up, and we headed north to try and see two Bewick's swans that had been seen with a herd of Whooper swans at Cockersand Abbey in Lancashire.
I couldn't find the second bird that had been reported, so we started to walk back to the car. News then broke that a juvenile great northern diver was showing well a few miles up the road, so we headed there.
On arrival at Pine Lake, the juvenile great northern diver was found straight away and showed really well.
A great day's birding! Roll on next weekend.