Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



I visited a private site in Cheshire this morning with Owen Parsons, where we got cracking views of marsh tit; four individual birds were found as we walked around the area, with one male bird in full song.

Marsh tits are scarce residents in Cheshire and Wirral, and they are now on the Red List of species of conservation concern, following a sustained fall in their national population.

A brilliant morning was spent watching this scarce species, and it is a site I will definitely be visiting again in the spring.

After dropping Owen off back at home, I picked Jenna up, and we headed north to try and see two Bewick's swans that had been seen with a herd of Whooper swans at Cockersand Abbey in Lancashire.

On arrival we found the herd of Whooper swan's.

After scanning through the herd, I eventually found a Bewick's swan feeding.

I couldn't find the second bird that had been reported, so we started to walk back to the car. News then broke that a juvenile great northern diver was showing well a few miles up the road, so we headed there.

On arrival at Pine Lake, the juvenile great northern diver was found straight away and showed really well.

A great day's birding! Roll on next weekend.