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Owen and I spent today in Lancashire and we managed to see some good birds during our travels. We started off at first light at Upper Thurnham, where we eventually relocated the Tundra bean goose that had been present the last few days, it was present with a few thousand Pink-footed geese.

Tundra Bean Goose

Owen scoping through hundreds of geese.

After good views of the Tundra bean goose, we headed south and called in at Hesketh marsh RSPB.

Hesketh Marsh

As we walked along the marsh, Whooper swan and a Great white egret were seen in nearby fields.

Whooper swans were in good numbers. 

Great white egret and Grey Heron

Moving along and scoping the pools, we found our target bird, Spotted redshank. Two birds were present together, foraging.

Always nice to catch up with this scarce winter wader, which is declining in parts of Europe.

Next stop was just down the road, Crossen marshes, where we eventually found the next two target birds, Water pipit and Spoonbill.

Two Spoonbills were roosting on the marsh over high tide.

It took us a good hour to find the Water pipit, which was with a few Meadow pipits on the marsh. We eventually found it around the water butts and it showed well, before being flushed.
Other birds of note on the reserve were a single White fronted goose in with the Pink-footed geese and an Avocet was found on the outer marsh.

My first Avocet of the year

A great day's birding, a few more quality year ticks for the list.