New Brighton Marine Lake
Purple Sandpiper-One individual on pontoon and Little gull-Adult flew out of estuary.
Burton RSPB
Egyptian Geese x3 Behind Wet Grassland
Great Egrets x5 Wet Grassland
Avocets x? Main Scrape
Ruff x1 Main Scrape
Oystercatcher x2 Main Scrape
Pink-F Geese 600+ Field Behind 'D' Barn
Marsh Harrier Over Reedbed
Spotted Redshank x3 Marsh Covert Hide
Great Crested Grebe x2 Bridge Pool
Pochard (M) Bridge Pool
Little Grebe x2 Bridge Pool
Pintail x7 IMF
Neston Marsh
2 Ringtail Hen Harrier.
Two Mills
Cattle Egret-Two again in field opposite Tudor Rose at SJ349742.
Newchurch Common
Smew-Adult female of unknown origin still on the large pool north of the track.