West Kirby Marine Lake
Dark Bellied Brent Goose with 32 Pale Bellied Brent Geese.
Great White Egret,Short Eared Owl and a Barn Owl.
Burton RSPB
Pintail x7 IMF
Hen Harrier ( RT) Over Bridge Pool
Little Grebe x4 Bridge Pool
Spotted Redshank x5 Marsh Covert Hide
Cetti's Warbler x2 Reedbed Near Screen
Avocets x75 Main Scrape
Oystercatcher x2 Main Scrape
Great Egrets x5 Wet Grassland
Egyptian Geese x3 Behind Wet Grassland
Marsh Harrier Over Wet Grassland
Buzzard Fence Post Right Wet Grassland
Peregrine Fence Post Right Wet Grassland
Barn Owl From Bridge Screen
Woolston Eyes-Permit Only
Adult Little Gull-N03 Bed.
Sandbach Flashes
Little Gull-Pumphouse Flash.
Adult winter Little Gull-With Black Headed Gulls in fields by River Weaver to east of village.
Two Mills
Cattle Egret-Two again in field opposite Tudor Rose at SJ349742.