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Todays Bird News

National Megas News

Canvasback-Abberton Reservoir-Essex

Cheshire and Wirral Bird News

Spotted redshank,14 Avocet on main scrape, also Hen Harrier (ringtail) -Burton Mere Wetlands.

Greater Scaup-Female still on No 6 Tank-Frodsham Marshes


I was up early this morning and got picked up by Owen Parsons, who needed Kentish plover and Least sandpiper for his life list. I had already seen the Least sandpiper early in the month but really wanted to see the Kentish plover, as I'd only ever seen two in Britain. 

We arrived at Burham-on-Sea in Somerset just before sunrise and when we arrived, some birders had already found the bird roosting with Ringed plover's.

Birders on site

This adult female Kentish plover was ringed in Germany on 14 June 2021 and has been returning to this area every winter since 18th January 2022.

After great views of the bird we travelled half an hour down the road to Steart WWT. On arrival at Otterhampton Marsh we entered the Quantock hide and the Least sandpiper was already on show in front of the hide. 

Two lifers for Owen, and both birds were seen by 10.00 am and we were back in Cheshire by 2.00 pm before the friday rush hour.


Todays Bird News

National Megas News

American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Canvasback-Abberton Reservoir-Essex

Cheshire and Wirral Bird News

Bittern flew towards Neston Reedbed at 6pm - Parkgate.

2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field just south of A5137, south west of  Brimstage.

Greater Scaup-Female still on No 6 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB


Todays Bird News

National Megas News

Booted Eagle-Marazion-Cornwall

American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Cheshire and Wirral Bird News

Purple Sandpiper by the embankment close to several Turnstones - Leasowe Bay.

6 Stonechat in coastal paddocks with several more along the embankment - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Eurasian Bittern-Still in Coward Reedbed at west end of Budworth Mere and a Hawfinch-Marbury Country Park

Little Stint-Hoylake


Todays Bird News

National Megas News

Booted Eagle-Marazion-Cornwall

Cheshire and Wirral Bird News

2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field just south of A5137, south west of  Brimstage.

2 Little Gull (adults), 1 Razorbill, 3 Red-throated Diver, 500 Common Scoter and 40 Great Crested Grebe over high tide - Leasowe Gunsite.

2  Russian White Fronted Goose-Still at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

3 Siberian Chiffchaff-Ince Marshes

Little Stint-Hoylake

Greater Scaup-Female still on No 6 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

Eurasian Penduline Tit-1st-winter still by viewing platform on No 4 Bed; keep within fenced-off area of bund of eastern cell, do not walk beyond either point. Wellingtons essential


Ive just returned from a few days away birding with my good friend Owen Parsons and saw some cracking birds.

At Newport Pagnell in Buckinghamshire, where we started, we saw a Richard's pipit.

Birders on site

The bird was elusive at times but was eventually seen well foraging in the undergrowth before taking off and flying past us calling.

It was good to see this scarce species, 
as I hadn't seen one in a few years.

After this, we went to Welney WWF in Norfolk, where we saw a winter plumaged Black necked grebe and four Bewick's swan.

Black Necked Grebe

       Owen scoping through the swan herd, where we found four Bewick's Swan

Six Tundra bean geese were reportedly on the reserve but we couln't find them.

Moving on from Welney we headed east to Warham greens where we had good views of a female Pallid harrier.

Female Pallid Harrier

Other birds of note were 2 Barn owl, Short eared Owl, 2 Hen harrier and a 2 Marsh harrier.

Sunset At Warham Greens

After a full days birding we made are way to Kings Lynn for a goods night sleep.

This morning we got up and headed into Cambridgeshire, stopping at the Eldernell, which is at the north end of the Nene washes. Four common cranes that had been around for several days were eventually found after scoping the nearby waterlogged fields.

Common Crane

Moving on up the road to West deeping in Lincolnshire we connected with 32 Red crested pochard, the most i'd ever seen.

This is my friends patch Josh jones who sent us here to see these birds.

         Josh recorded 162 Red Crested Pochard 
in this area in 2022.

The discovery of an Eastern yellow wagtail in Winteringham, North Lincolnshire, was then reported. The Eastern yellow wagtail was interacting with eight Pied wagtails when we finally got to the location. The bird call was apparently heard by the finder and a few on-site birders.

A great few days away birding and home for the evening with a few more year ticks on the list.


Todays Bird News

National Megas News

Booted Eagle-Marazion-Cornwall

American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Wallcreeper-One flew from rocky promontory to steep rock face below coastal footpath this afternoon but no further sign-Pentire Point-Cornwall

Cheshire and Wirral Bird News

2 White-fronted Geese (Russian race), with greylags in field just south of A5137, south west of  Brimstage

Merlin and 2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male) late afternoon, also 4 Great White Egret and 4 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.

Twite-One reported along Within Way this morning-Hale

Eurasian Penduline Tit-1st-winter still by viewing platform on No 4 Bed but mobile; keep within fenced-off area of bund of eastern cell, do not walk beyond either point. Wellingtons essential-Woolston Eyes

Eurasian Bittern-Still in Coward Reedbed at west end of Budworth Mere and a Hawfinch-Marbury Country Park