Leasowe Lighthouse
32 Sandwich Tern,5 Gannet,28 Great Crested Grebe,Tree Pipit over,3 Ring Ouzel,3 Redstart,2 Yellow Wagtail,4 White Wagtail,6 Whinchat,3 Whimbrel,3 Grasshopper Warbler and 100+ Wheatear
Red Rocks
2 Reed Warbler,2 Yellow Wagtail,20 Redpoll,Little Ringed Plover and at least 2 Tree Pipit
Hoylake Shore
25 White Wagtail and 5 Yellow Wagtail.
Gilroy Nature Park,West Kirby
2 Yellow Wagtail,Ring Ouzel (fem) and a Garden Warbler
Heswall Shore
Hilbre Island
20 Whimbrel,5 Yellow Wagtail,3 Blackcap and 20 Willow Warbler
Burton RSPB
Mediterranean Gulls x12 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
White Wagtail Left Of Main Scrape
Cattle Egrets x2 Field Left Bunker Entrance
Green Woodpecker In The garden
Cetti's Warbler By Willow Pool
Blackcap Marsh Covert Wood
Buzzard x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Reed Bunting By Reedbed Screen
Sedge Warbler Near Reedbed Screen
Spotted Redshank x2 Marsh Covert Hide
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Chiffchaff By Railway Bridge
Wheatear (F) Birdcrop Field
Spoonbill Tops Of Trees Marsh Covert Wood
Ruff x1 Main Scrape
Whitethroat By Birdcrop Field
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Whimbrel-In field right of Raby cottage
Great White Egret-Flew over heading north.
Red Kite-Over Westminster Street
Sandbach Flashes-Maw Green Tip
Reed warbler,Sedge warbler,Whitethroat,Lesser Whitethroat,Cettis warbler and a Yellow wagtail.
Marbury Country Park
8 Avocet and 3 Whimbrel-Neumann's Flash
Red Rocks
3 Ring Ouzel,Grasshopper Warbler,3 Tree Pipit,Whitethroat and a Whimbrel
Hilbre Island
Ring Ouzel,75+ Willow Warbler,Redstart,Grasshopper Warbler,Sedge Warbler,7 Blackcap and 2 Common Sandpiper.
Ness Gardens
Ring Ouzel-Between Ness Gardens and Burton in horse paddock.
Leasowe Lighthouse
12 Tree pipit,Pied Flycatcher,2 Yellow Wagtail,4 White Wagtail,2 Grasshopper Warbler,35 Wheatear,6 Redstart,5+ Ring Ouzel,3 Whinchat and 3 Whimbrel,7 Sandwich Tern,100+ Willow warbler,26 Blackcap,12 Sisken and 4 Redpoll
Cuckoo *first of spring*-Inland of Wirral Way near Dungeon Wood.
Heswall Fields NT
Lesser Whitethroat and 6+ Common Whitethroat in blackthorn.
Heswall Shore
13 Whimbrel-On rising tide.
Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Pintail x4 IMF
Garganey (M) IMF
Little Ringed Plovers x2 IMF
Chiffchaff By Railway Bridge
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Spotted Redshank x5 Marsh Covert Hide
Dunlin x10 Marsh Covert Hide
Sedge Warbler From Reedbed Screen
Reed Bunting By Reedbed Screen
Cetti's Warbler By Willow Pool
Blackcap x2 (M&F) By Willow Pool
Swallow x2 Over Reception Pool Mediterranean Gulls x16 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Ruff x2 (M) Main Scrape
Cattle Egret x1 Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
White Wagtails x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Nuthatch In Car Park
Ring Ouzel-In newly seeded field below Stapledon Wood.
Ring Ouzel-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Winsford Flash
Little Gull-Bottom Flash
Pickerings Pasture
Garden Warbler-Singing by hide
Moore Nature Reserve
Female Pied Flycatcher
Marbury Country Park
Garden Warbler-Budworth Mere
4 Whimbrel and 8 Avocet-Neumann's Flash
Grasshopper Warbler-Witton Brook
2 male Pied Flycatcher and male Redstart.
Drake Mandarin Duck
Red Rocks
3 Ring Ouzel,Grasshopper Warbler,3 Tree Pipit,Whitethroat and a Whimbrel
Hilbre Island
Ring Ouzel,75+ Willow Warbler,Redstart,Grasshopper Warbler,Sedge Warbler,7 Blackcap and 2 Common Sandpiper.
Ness Gardens
Ring Ouzel-Between Ness Gardens and Burton in horse paddock.
Leasowe Lighthouse
12 Tree pipit,Pied Flycatcher,2 Yellow Wagtail,4 White Wagtail,2 Grasshopper Warbler,35 Wheatear,6 Redstart,5+ Ring Ouzel,3 Whinchat and 3 Whimbrel,7 Sandwich Tern,100+ Willow warbler,26 Blackcap,12 Sisken and 4 Redpoll
HeswallCuckoo *first of spring*-Inland of Wirral Way near Dungeon Wood.
Heswall Fields NT
Lesser Whitethroat and 6+ Common Whitethroat in blackthorn.
Heswall Shore
13 Whimbrel-On rising tide.
Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Pintail x4 IMF
Garganey (M) IMF
Little Ringed Plovers x2 IMF
Chiffchaff By Railway Bridge
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Spotted Redshank x5 Marsh Covert Hide
Dunlin x10 Marsh Covert Hide
Sedge Warbler From Reedbed Screen
Reed Bunting By Reedbed Screen
Cetti's Warbler By Willow Pool
Blackcap x2 (M&F) By Willow Pool
Swallow x2 Over Reception Pool Mediterranean Gulls x16 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Ruff x2 (M) Main Scrape
Cattle Egret x1 Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
White Wagtails x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Nuthatch In Car Park
Ring Ouzel-In newly seeded field below Stapledon Wood.
Ring Ouzel-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Winsford Flash
Little Gull-Bottom Flash
Pickerings Pasture
Garden Warbler-Singing by hide
Moore Nature Reserve
Female Pied Flycatcher
Marbury Country Park
Garden Warbler-Budworth Mere
4 Whimbrel and 8 Avocet-Neumann's Flash
Grasshopper Warbler-Witton Brook
Bosley-Private Wood2 male Pied Flycatcher and male Redstart.
Tatton MereDrake Mandarin Duck
Hilbre Island
Ring Ouzel,2 male Redstart,Common Whitethroat,2 Blackcap,45 Willow Warbler,3 Chiffchaff,920 Pink-footed Geese over.
Red Rocks
Ring Ouzel in Nursing Home garden and c8 Willow Warbler.
Burton RSPB
Cattle Egrets x3 Field Left Bunker Entrance
White Wagtails x2 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Yell-Wagtail x1 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Whitethroat Near Feeders By Barn
Ruff x2 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x5 Main Scrape
Cetti's Showing Well By Willow Pool
Buzzard x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Chiffchaff In Marsh Covert Wood
Spotted Redshank x4 Marsh Covert Hide
Snipe x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Swallow x2 Over Bridge Pool
Reed Bunting Birdcrop Field
Cetti's Showing Well Along Path To IMF
Pintail x6 IMF
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Spoonbill Flew Over Reserve
Leasowe Lighthouse
Grasshopper warbler,Common Redstart-Park Lane,60+ Sandwich Tern,21 Gannet,2 Red-throated Diver,5 Shoveller,36 Great Crested Grebe,20 Wheatear and a Tree Pipit.
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff on Wirral Way between Old Baths and Boat House Lane-Recording inconclusive.
Burton Marsh
4,000 Pink-footed Geese.
Heswall Shore
635 Pink-footed Geese flew North,17 Wigeon,168 Grey Plover,535 Curlew,7 Whimbrel,6 Bar-tailed Godwit,600 Dunlin,2 Greenshank,1600 Redshank.
Ring Ouzel-In ploughed field below Stapledon wood
Redstart and Whitethroat-In private garden
Marbury Country Park
5 Little Gull-Budworth Mere
4 Avocet-Neumann's Flash
24 Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed and Drake Garganey-On N04 Bed
Sandbach Flashes
Whimbrel-Elton Hall Flash
Hilbre Island
Ring Ouzel,2 male Redstart,Common Whitethroat,2 Blackcap,45 Willow Warbler,3 Chiffchaff,920 Pink-footed Geese over.
Red Rocks
Ring Ouzel in Nursing Home garden and c8 Willow Warbler.
Burton RSPB
Cattle Egrets x3 Field Left Bunker Entrance
White Wagtails x2 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Yell-Wagtail x1 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Whitethroat Near Feeders By Barn
Ruff x2 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x5 Main Scrape
Cetti's Showing Well By Willow Pool
Buzzard x2 Over Marsh Covert Wood
Chiffchaff In Marsh Covert Wood
Spotted Redshank x4 Marsh Covert Hide
Snipe x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Swallow x2 Over Bridge Pool
Reed Bunting Birdcrop Field
Cetti's Showing Well Along Path To IMF
Pintail x6 IMF
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Spoonbill Flew Over Reserve
Leasowe Lighthouse
Grasshopper warbler,Common Redstart-Park Lane,60+ Sandwich Tern,21 Gannet,2 Red-throated Diver,5 Shoveller,36 Great Crested Grebe,20 Wheatear and a Tree Pipit.
Possible Iberian Chiffchaff on Wirral Way between Old Baths and Boat House Lane-Recording inconclusive.
Burton Marsh
4,000 Pink-footed Geese.
Heswall Shore
635 Pink-footed Geese flew North,17 Wigeon,168 Grey Plover,535 Curlew,7 Whimbrel,6 Bar-tailed Godwit,600 Dunlin,2 Greenshank,1600 Redshank.
Ring Ouzel-In ploughed field below Stapledon wood
Redstart and Whitethroat-In private garden
Marbury Country Park
5 Little Gull-Budworth Mere
4 Avocet-Neumann's Flash
Woolston Eyes24 Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed and Drake Garganey-On N04 Bed
Sandbach Flashes
Whimbrel-Elton Hall Flash
Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Cetti's Warbler By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Pintail x10 IMF
Sand Martins Over IMF
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Little Gull Bridge Pool
Spotted Redshank x5 Marsh Covert Hide
Water Rail Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Bunting x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Blackcap x2 (M) Marsh Covert Wood
Dunlin x1 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Ruff x2 Main Scrape
Peregrine Over Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x12 Main Scrape
Channel Wagtail x1 From Bunker Left Scrape
Yell-Wagtails x5 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
White Wagtails x4 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Cattle Egrets x3 Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
Whitethroat By Barn
Kingfisher Over Reception Pool
Water Pipits x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Wheatear x3 Fence By Bunker
Hilbre Island
Little Ringed Plover over,Puffin off NE corner then flew NE,2 Whimbrel,Yellow Wagtail and 4 Tree Pipit plus several Wheatears and Willow Warblers.
Male Ring Ouzel(Park Lane this evening before flying NW),2 Redwing,Common Whitethroat,c20 Blackcap, 2 Tree Pipit, 2+ Common Redstart and 30+ Wheatear,also 31 Gannet,2 Sandwich Tern and 47 Great Crested Grebe on the sea.
Hoylake Lifeboat Station
30+ White Wagtail and 8 Pied Wagtail-On shore.
Red Rocks
Sandwich Tern and 4 Gannet off shore,2 Wheatear and a Cetti's Warbler.
Ring Ouzel-In field for 3rd day-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Woolston Eyes
24 Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed
Common Swift-Flew north
Burton RSPB
Great Egrets x4 Burton Marsh From Point
Cetti's Warbler By Wooden Bridge To IMF
Pintail x10 IMF
Sand Martins Over IMF
Chiffchaff Along Path To IMF
Little Gull Bridge Pool
Spotted Redshank x5 Marsh Covert Hide
Water Rail Marsh Covert Hide
Reed Bunting x1 Marsh Covert Hide
Blackcap x2 (M) Marsh Covert Wood
Dunlin x1 Main Scrape
Avocets 120+ Main Scrape
Ruff x2 Main Scrape
Peregrine Over Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x12 Main Scrape
Channel Wagtail x1 From Bunker Left Scrape
Yell-Wagtails x5 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
White Wagtails x4 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Cattle Egrets x3 Field Left Of Bunker Entrance
Whitethroat By Barn
Kingfisher Over Reception Pool
Water Pipits x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Wheatear x3 Fence By Bunker
Hilbre Island
Little Ringed Plover over,Puffin off NE corner then flew NE,2 Whimbrel,Yellow Wagtail and 4 Tree Pipit plus several Wheatears and Willow Warblers.
Leasowe LighthouseMale Ring Ouzel(Park Lane this evening before flying NW),2 Redwing,Common Whitethroat,c20 Blackcap, 2 Tree Pipit, 2+ Common Redstart and 30+ Wheatear,also 31 Gannet,2 Sandwich Tern and 47 Great Crested Grebe on the sea.
Hoylake Lifeboat Station
30+ White Wagtail and 8 Pied Wagtail-On shore.
Red Rocks
Sandwich Tern and 4 Gannet off shore,2 Wheatear and a Cetti's Warbler.
Ring Ouzel-In field for 3rd day-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Woolston Eyes
24 Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed
Common Swift-Flew north
Burton RSPB
Mediterranean Gulls x3 Main Scrape
Ruff x2 (M)Main Scrape
Avocets 100+ Main Scrape
Sand Martins Over Reception Pool
Water Pipits x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Channel Wagtail From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Yellow Wagtail x6 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
White Wagtails x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Cetti's Warbler By Willow Pool
Spotted Redshank x2 Marsh Covert Hide
Swallows Over Bridge Pool
Linnets In Feeders Birdcrop Field
Chiffchaff In Copse To IMF
Pintail x4 IMF
Dunlin x1 IMF
Pink F Geese 7000+ Burton Marsh From Point
Leasowe Lighthouse
2 Common Redstart (along Park Lane and in horse paddocks) and a Common Whitethroat.
Red Rocks
2 Ring Ouzel in flight over golf course.
Caldy Wildfowl Collection
700 Black-tailed Godwit.
Ring Ouzel-In field for 3rd day-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Woolston Eyes
Pair of Garganey-N04 Bed and 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls on No.3 bed.
Burton RSPB
Mediterranean Gulls x3 Main Scrape
Ruff x2 (M)Main Scrape
Avocets 100+ Main Scrape
Sand Martins Over Reception Pool
Water Pipits x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Channel Wagtail From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Yellow Wagtail x6 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
White Wagtails x3 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
Cetti's Warbler By Willow Pool
Spotted Redshank x2 Marsh Covert Hide
Swallows Over Bridge Pool
Linnets In Feeders Birdcrop Field
Chiffchaff In Copse To IMF
Pintail x4 IMF
Dunlin x1 IMF
Pink F Geese 7000+ Burton Marsh From Point
Leasowe Lighthouse
2 Common Redstart (along Park Lane and in horse paddocks) and a Common Whitethroat.
Red Rocks
2 Ring Ouzel in flight over golf course.
Caldy Wildfowl Collection
700 Black-tailed Godwit.
Ring Ouzel-In field for 3rd day-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Woolston Eyes
Pair of Garganey-N04 Bed and 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls on No.3 bed.
Newchurch Common
Smew-Adult female of unknown origin-Still on the large pool north of the track
Heswall Shore
280 Shelduck,415 Oystercatcher,43 Grey Plover,Whimbrel,385 Curlew,110 Black-tailed Godwit,680 Knot, 200 Dunlin,2 Greenshank and 2230 Redshank
Hilbre Island
Osprey,Short-eared Owl,Tree Pipit,11 Little Gull,4 Eider,11 Gannet,7 Sand Martin and 6 Willow Warbler also several Sandwich and Common Terns.
Burton RSPB
Pink F Geese Burton Marsh From Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Willow Warbler Along Path To IMF
Pintail x4 IMF
Linnets Birdcrop Field
Reed Bunting x2 Birdcrop Field
Spotted Redshank x4 Marsh Covert Hide
Cetti's Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Chiffchaff In Marsh Covert Wood
Swallows Over Fishing Pools
House Martins As Above
Sand Martins As Above
Nuthatch By Garden
Little Ringed Plovers x2 Main Scrape
Avocets 100+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x5 Main Scrape
Dunlin x1 Main Scrape
Yellow Wagtail x4 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
White Wagtail x3 As Above
Channel Wagtail x2 As Above
Water Pipits x4 As Above
Ruff x1 (M) As Above
Cattle Egret x1 Field Left Bunker Entrance
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Sparrowhawk Over Border Pool
Denhall Quay
Grasshopper Warbler.
Leasowe Lighthouse
Common Whitethroat*first of spring* seven days later than last year and 3 Common Redstart.
Red Rocks
Grasshopper Warbler.
Caldy Wildfowl Collection
590 Black-tailed Godwit
Common Redstart-In garden at Downham Road North.
Ring Ouzel-In field for 3rd day-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
Woolston Eyes
Reed Warbler,Marsh Harrier and 24 Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed
60+ Brambling-Visiting garden feeders
15+White Wagtail-Within Way
Redstart and Ring Ouzel-Carr Lane
Common Sandpiper,2 Green Sandpiper,3 Little Ringed Plover,2 White Wagtail,Yellow Wagtail,500+Sand Martin with a few each of House Martin and Swallow.
Pied Flycatcher-(Private Wood)-three days earlier than last year.
Heswall Shore
280 Shelduck,415 Oystercatcher,43 Grey Plover,Whimbrel,385 Curlew,110 Black-tailed Godwit,680 Knot, 200 Dunlin,2 Greenshank and 2230 Redshank
Hilbre Island
Osprey,Short-eared Owl,Tree Pipit,11 Little Gull,4 Eider,11 Gannet,7 Sand Martin and 6 Willow Warbler also several Sandwich and Common Terns.
Burton RSPB
Pink F Geese Burton Marsh From Point
Great Egrets x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Willow Warbler Along Path To IMF
Pintail x4 IMF
Linnets Birdcrop Field
Reed Bunting x2 Birdcrop Field
Spotted Redshank x4 Marsh Covert Hide
Cetti's Warbler By Reedbed Screen
Chiffchaff In Marsh Covert Wood
Swallows Over Fishing Pools
House Martins As Above
Sand Martins As Above
Nuthatch By Garden
Little Ringed Plovers x2 Main Scrape
Avocets 100+ Main Scrape
Mediterranean Gulls x5 Main Scrape
Dunlin x1 Main Scrape
Yellow Wagtail x4 From Bunker Left Of Scrape
White Wagtail x3 As Above
Channel Wagtail x2 As Above
Water Pipits x4 As Above
Ruff x1 (M) As Above
Cattle Egret x1 Field Left Bunker Entrance
Great Crested Grebes x2 Bridge Pool
Sparrowhawk Over Border Pool
Denhall Quay
Grasshopper Warbler.
Leasowe Lighthouse
Common Whitethroat*first of spring* seven days later than last year and 3 Common Redstart.
Red Rocks
Grasshopper Warbler.
Caldy Wildfowl Collection
590 Black-tailed Godwit
Common Redstart-In garden at Downham Road North.
Ring Ouzel-In field for 3rd day-In the field behind Hillyard Farm,visible from a gateway on the left just after leaving the speed limit zone on Raby mere road.
CHESHIREWoolston Eyes
Reed Warbler,Marsh Harrier and 24 Black Necked Grebe-N03 Bed
60+ Brambling-Visiting garden feeders
15+White Wagtail-Within Way
Redstart and Ring Ouzel-Carr Lane
Marbury Country Park-AreaCommon Sandpiper,2 Green Sandpiper,3 Little Ringed Plover,2 White Wagtail,Yellow Wagtail,500+Sand Martin with a few each of House Martin and Swallow.
BosleyPied Flycatcher-(Private Wood)-three days earlier than last year.
Frodsham Marshes
Ring Ouzel
Ring Ouzel-At Silver Lane Pools this morning then flew northeast
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