Apr 30th
Garden Warbler-Hilbre Island
Garden Warbler
Apr 29th
Little Stint-Frodsham Marshes
Apr 28th
Arctic Tern-One flew through No3 Tank-Woolston Eyes
Ring Ouzel-One in the horse paddocks at Od baths-Parkgate
Arctic tern-Budworth Mere-Marbury Country Park
Bar Tailed Godwit-One on N06 tank-Frodsham Marshes
Spotted Redshank-Adult Carr Lane pools-then flushed by Buzzard
5 Spoonbill and 2 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
127 Whimbrel on rising tide - Heswall.
Apr 27th
Whinchat-Ashtons Flash-Northwich
127 Whimbrel on rising tide - Heswall.
Apr 27th
Whinchat-Ashtons Flash-Northwich
Western Osprey-One flew north over A49 to south and appeared to drop at Bar Mere-Bar Mere
Firecrest-Hale and 5 Little Gulls-Hale Shore
Black-throated Diver and Razorbill - Wallasey Shore.
2 Red-throated diver flew east,reeling Grasshopper Warbler - Red Rocks.
2 Arctic Skua - Hoylake.
Razorbill on groyne,Tree Pipit flew east - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Apr 26th
Grasshopper Warbler-Haydns Pool-Marbury Country Park
2 Red-throated diver flew east,reeling Grasshopper Warbler - Red Rocks.
2 Arctic Skua - Hoylake.
Razorbill on groyne,Tree Pipit flew east - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Apr 26th
Grasshopper Warbler-Haydns Pool-Marbury Country Park
2 Whinchat-Gowy Meadows
Channel Wagtail-Male still at Carr Lane Pools as viewed from Town Lane and Whinchat-Hale
Black Stork-One flew ENE over Marton Heath Trout Pools-Marton
Ring Ouzel-Female-type in horse paddocks off A54 to east of Shrewsbury Arms -Winsford
Grasshopper Warbler,Swift and 2 Peregrine - Heswall Fields/Shore.
4 Spoonbill on Donkey Stand Flash then flew towards Boathouse at 7am - Parkgate.
64 Whimbrel on rising tide between Caldy and Heswall.
Common Redstart in paddocks,Yellow Wagtail over,Lesser Whitethroat singing end of Lingham Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Ruff over WNW, 2 Eider (pair),3 Rock Pipit and a Brent Goose (pale-bellied) - Hilbre.
2 Wood Sandpiper and 11 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
5 Wheatear and a Grasshopper Warbler - Burton Point.
Apr 25th
Ruddy Shelduck and Spotted Redshank-Pumphouse Flash-Sandbach Flashes
64 Whimbrel on rising tide between Caldy and Heswall.
Common Redstart in paddocks,Yellow Wagtail over,Lesser Whitethroat singing end of Lingham Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Ruff over WNW, 2 Eider (pair),3 Rock Pipit and a Brent Goose (pale-bellied) - Hilbre.
2 Wood Sandpiper and 11 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
5 Wheatear and a Grasshopper Warbler - Burton Point.
Apr 25th
Ruddy Shelduck and Spotted Redshank-Pumphouse Flash-Sandbach Flashes
Pied Flycatcher-Fox Howl-Delamere
White Tailed Eagle-Possible-possible flew east-Bickerton Hill
20+ Whimbrel on rising tide - Thurstaston.
2 Whimbrel, Common Redstart,Lesser Whitethroat and a Cuckoo - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Spoonbill flying SE over Little Eye.
50+ Whimbrel,Short-eared Owl,Lesser Whitethroat and a Grasshopper Warbler - Heswall Fields/Shore.
4 Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash, also 3 Great Egret - Parkgate.
Redpoll passage continued with c24,150 Gannet feeding close to the island,33 Whimbrel,85 Curlew,5 Bar-tailed Godwit (s/pl) and 250+ Dunlin - Hilbre.
7 Wheatear - Hoylake Langfields.
Little Gull (ad),4 Cattle Egret in henory,10+ Spotted Redshank and 10+ Mediterranean Gull - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Apr 24th
Spotted Redshank and Whimbrel-Sandbach Flashes
Spoonbill flying SE over Little Eye.
50+ Whimbrel,Short-eared Owl,Lesser Whitethroat and a Grasshopper Warbler - Heswall Fields/Shore.
4 Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash, also 3 Great Egret - Parkgate.
Redpoll passage continued with c24,150 Gannet feeding close to the island,33 Whimbrel,85 Curlew,5 Bar-tailed Godwit (s/pl) and 250+ Dunlin - Hilbre.
7 Wheatear - Hoylake Langfields.
Little Gull (ad),4 Cattle Egret in henory,10+ Spotted Redshank and 10+ Mediterranean Gull - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Apr 24th
Spotted Redshank and Whimbrel-Sandbach Flashes
Water Pipit-Still at Carr Lane Pools as viewed from Town Lane-and Whinchat-Hale
Whinchat-One on fence line north of No 6 Bed-Frodsham Marshes
4 Cattle Egret-Four at Arrowe Brook Farm-Greasby
Cuckoo *first of spring* heading north - Willaston.
Lesser Whitethroat,6 Wheatear and a White Wagtail - Heswall Fields.
A large passage of Wheatears all day with at least 90 counted, also 2 Arctic Skua,10 Whimbrel,Cuckoo.12+ Yellow Wagtail,Tree Pipit over and a White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse/Meols.
5 Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.
8 Whimbrel off prom on ebbing tide - Meols.
Grasshopper Warbler reeling in marsh off Heswall Golf Course.
Marsh Harrier flying east off East Hoyle,2 Greenshank,C350 Pink-footed Geese still moving north,4 Yellow Wagtail,2 White Wagtail,Tree Pipit and 5 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
Female Goshawk circled over A548 by Shotton Steel Works before flying towards Connah's Quay, also Lesser Whitethroat,3 Willow Warbler and 15+ Wheatear - White Sands (outer Burton Marsh).
Drake Garganey - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Whinchat,2 Grasshopper Warbler and 3 Sand Martin early morning - Red Rocks.
Apr 23rd
Ring Necked Duck-Gull Pool-Newchurch Common
A large passage of Wheatears all day with at least 90 counted, also 2 Arctic Skua,10 Whimbrel,Cuckoo.12+ Yellow Wagtail,Tree Pipit over and a White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse/Meols.
5 Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.
8 Whimbrel off prom on ebbing tide - Meols.
Grasshopper Warbler reeling in marsh off Heswall Golf Course.
Marsh Harrier flying east off East Hoyle,2 Greenshank,C350 Pink-footed Geese still moving north,4 Yellow Wagtail,2 White Wagtail,Tree Pipit and 5 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
Female Goshawk circled over A548 by Shotton Steel Works before flying towards Connah's Quay, also Lesser Whitethroat,3 Willow Warbler and 15+ Wheatear - White Sands (outer Burton Marsh).
Drake Garganey - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Whinchat,2 Grasshopper Warbler and 3 Sand Martin early morning - Red Rocks.
Apr 23rd
Ring Necked Duck-Gull Pool-Newchurch Common
2 Western Cattle Egret and Great White Egret-Hale
5 Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.
Common Redstart (fem),Grasshopper Warbler,2 Peregrine and 10 Willow Warbler, 320 Pink-footed Geese flew out of the estuary - Red Rocks.
Short-eared Owl drifitng east - Leasowe Gunsite.
Redstart,Ring Ouzel (in field south of kissing gate),12+ Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Short-eared Owl drifitng east - Leasowe Gunsite.
Redstart,Ring Ouzel (in field south of kissing gate),12+ Wheatear and 2 Yellow Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
1 'channel' Yellow Wagtail and a Yellow Wagtail in fields - Puddington.
22 Whimbrel,100+ Common Tern out over main channel at high tide - Heswall Shore.
23 Spotted Redshank,also 5 Knot and 2 Bar-tailed Godwit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
45+ Redpoll,2 Tree Pipit, Yellow Wagtail,5 Siskin,20 Whimbrel and 4 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
Apr 22th
Ring Ouzel-Female briefly at back of Arrowe Brook Farm-Greasby
23 Spotted Redshank,also 5 Knot and 2 Bar-tailed Godwit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
45+ Redpoll,2 Tree Pipit, Yellow Wagtail,5 Siskin,20 Whimbrel and 4 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
Apr 22th
Ring Ouzel-Female briefly at back of Arrowe Brook Farm-Greasby
Redstart-Female on No 2 Bed-Woolston Eyes
Collared Pratincole in Kerr's Field (present for around an hour at lunch time, photographed!), also Whinchat,Tree Pipit,5 White Wagtails and 5 Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Collared Pratincole
(C)John Welbourn
Grasshopper Warbler (reeling),2 Yellow Wagtail and 4 White Wagtail on beach,150 Pink-footed Geese over heading north - Red Rocks.
5 Red-breasted Merganser and 50+ Common Tern in main river channel, 206 Grey Plover, 1450 Dunlin, 4 Whimbrel, 2 White Wagtail on the shore,reeling Grasshopper Warbler in Target Road reedbed - Heswall.
Apr 21st
Ring Ouzel-Male in ploughed field between A559 lay-by and Budworth Mere along Fisherman's Path-Marbury Country Park
5 Red-breasted Merganser and 50+ Common Tern in main river channel, 206 Grey Plover, 1450 Dunlin, 4 Whimbrel, 2 White Wagtail on the shore,reeling Grasshopper Warbler in Target Road reedbed - Heswall.
Apr 21st
Ring Ouzel-Male in ploughed field between A559 lay-by and Budworth Mere along Fisherman's Path-Marbury Country Park
Ring Ouzel
45+ Willow Warbler,Redstart and a Whinchat - Hilbre.
Spoonbill which flew to Burton Marsh,2 Little Ringed Plover,Grasshopper Warbler, 1 'channel' Yellow Wagtail and 7 Yellow Wagtail - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Tree Pipit in tree bottom Station Rd.3 Whinchat,24 Wheatear,Yellow Wagtail and 2 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Marsh/Point and adjacent fields.
Great Egret on Donkey Stand Flash - Parkgate.
Spoonbill which flew to Burton Marsh,2 Little Ringed Plover,Grasshopper Warbler, 1 'channel' Yellow Wagtail and 7 Yellow Wagtail - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Tree Pipit in tree bottom Station Rd.3 Whinchat,24 Wheatear,Yellow Wagtail and 2 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Marsh/Point and adjacent fields.
Great Egret on Donkey Stand Flash - Parkgate.
(C)Pete Sutton
Apr 20th
Whinchat-Male-Ashtons Flash-Northwich
20+ Wheatear between Pinfold steps and Red Rocks.
Grasshopper Warbler,c10 Great Crested Grebe,c350 Sandwich Tern,11 Whimbrel and 14 Brent Geese (2 dark-bellied) - Hilbre.
Grasshopper Warbler reeling by embankment west of Leasowe Lighthouse,also 10 Wheatear, c10 White Wagtail,Whimbrel and a Tree Pipit over.
2 Marsh Harrier,Hen Harrier (light coloured ringtail) and 4 Grasshopper Warbler - Burton Point.
Whinchat (male),21+ Wheatear,1+ Grasshopper Warbler and a Common Redstart (in field by Pipers Well) - Heswall Fields.
Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
Apr 19th
Subalpine Warbler in tree on Burton Marsh side of track close to Burton Point.
Grasshopper Warbler,c10 Great Crested Grebe,c350 Sandwich Tern,11 Whimbrel and 14 Brent Geese (2 dark-bellied) - Hilbre.
Grasshopper Warbler reeling by embankment west of Leasowe Lighthouse,also 10 Wheatear, c10 White Wagtail,Whimbrel and a Tree Pipit over.
2 Marsh Harrier,Hen Harrier (light coloured ringtail) and 4 Grasshopper Warbler - Burton Point.
Whinchat (male),21+ Wheatear,1+ Grasshopper Warbler and a Common Redstart (in field by Pipers Well) - Heswall Fields.
Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
Apr 19th
Subalpine Warbler in tree on Burton Marsh side of track close to Burton Point.
Subalpine Warbler
(C)Tony Hession
Ruddy Shelduck-Male on Cuerdley Marshes-Warrington
3 Common Redstart (incl m&f in field next to Kerr's),3 Ring Ouzel and 2 Whimbrel flew east - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Common Redstart and 6+ Whimbrel - Hilbre.
Ring Ouzel this morning,Water Rail in marsh and 15 Gannet offshore thid evening - Red Rocks.
5 Wheatear in sand dunes - Meols.
Common Redstart - Heswall Marsh.
Ring Ouzel this morning,Water Rail in marsh and 15 Gannet offshore thid evening - Red Rocks.
5 Wheatear in sand dunes - Meols.
Common Redstart - Heswall Marsh.
Bittern,11 Spotted Redshank and at least two pairs of Mediterranean Gulls,lots of Cetti's Warblers - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Whinchat-Maw Green Landfill Site
Arctic Tern-Woolston Eyes
Whinchat-Maw Green Landfill Site
Arctic Tern-Woolston Eyes
Apr 18th
Little Gull-Adult-Woolston Eyes
Little Gull-Adult-Woolston Eyes
Garganey-Adult-N06 Tank-Frodsham Marshes
Slavonian Grebe-One although distant; view from footpath off Whisterfield Lane, and do not park on cut verges-Acre Nook Sand Quarry
Red Kite-Danebower Reservoir
640 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
4 Whimbrel,Ring Ouzel,Yellow Wagtail and 3 Redstart - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Redstart and total of 250 Redpoll through - Hoylake.
'channel' Yellow Wagtail,5 Yellow Wagtail and 2 White Wagtails in ploughed field - Puddington.
2 Arctiv Tern,25 Common Tern,400+ Sandwich Tern,6 Manx Shearwater,18 Little Gull,6 Red-throated Diver, 22 Gannet,12 Whimbrel,18 Brent Geese and 18 Red-breasted Merganser - Hilbre.
Garganey-Drake on small pool on east side of River Weaver-Bradley
4 Whimbrel,Ring Ouzel,Yellow Wagtail and 3 Redstart - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Redstart and total of 250 Redpoll through - Hoylake.
'channel' Yellow Wagtail,5 Yellow Wagtail and 2 White Wagtails in ploughed field - Puddington.
2 Arctiv Tern,25 Common Tern,400+ Sandwich Tern,6 Manx Shearwater,18 Little Gull,6 Red-throated Diver, 22 Gannet,12 Whimbrel,18 Brent Geese and 18 Red-breasted Merganser - Hilbre.
Garganey-Drake on small pool on east side of River Weaver-Bradley
Eurasian Bittern-One flew past John Morgan Hide towards South Screen on No 3 Bed-Wooslton Eyes
Common Redstart-Male behind Sainsbury's at Upton Meadow-Upton
Apr 17th
Western Osprey-One flew north high and distant to the east-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Grasshopper Warbler near Boathouse pub,2 Great Egret and a Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
Osprey flew inland,Grasshopper Warbler - Burton Point.
Ring Ouzel in pony paddocks - Burton Road, Burton.
Ring Ouzel still along Lingham Lane north of brickworks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Common Redstart,Yellow Wagtail,a few siskin over - Hilbre.
Common Redstart in seafront garden - Hoylake.
17 Whimbrel,735 Curlew,260 Oystercatcher and 770 Redshank - Heswall Shore.
Apr 16th
White Stork-One flew east over Weaver Bend and dropped towards Dutton Flashes-Frodsham Marshes
Ring Ouzel in pony paddocks - Burton Road, Burton.
Ring Ouzel still along Lingham Lane north of brickworks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Common Redstart,Yellow Wagtail,a few siskin over - Hilbre.
Common Redstart in seafront garden - Hoylake.
17 Whimbrel,735 Curlew,260 Oystercatcher and 770 Redshank - Heswall Shore.
Apr 16th
White Stork-One flew east over Weaver Bend and dropped towards Dutton Flashes-Frodsham Marshes
White Stork flew west just north of Greasby at 4pm.
Swift *first of spring and five days earlier than lst year* - Raby.
Spoonbill over heading NW,Osprey heading east also seen off Leasowe eating fish,also 2,915 Pink-footed Geese,116 Sandwich Tern,11 Common Tern and 2 Swallow - Hilbre.
Common Redstart and a Tree Pipit over - Heswall Fields NT.
560 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
2 Ring Ouzel still along Lingham Lane north of brickworks,Little Ringed Plover heard and Whimbrel over - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Red Kite,Yellow Wagtail and a Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Apr 15th
Wood warbler and Ring Ouzel-Bickerton Hills
Swift *first of spring and five days earlier than lst year* - Raby.
Spoonbill over heading NW,Osprey heading east also seen off Leasowe eating fish,also 2,915 Pink-footed Geese,116 Sandwich Tern,11 Common Tern and 2 Swallow - Hilbre.
Common Redstart and a Tree Pipit over - Heswall Fields NT.
560 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
2 Ring Ouzel still along Lingham Lane north of brickworks,Little Ringed Plover heard and Whimbrel over - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Red Kite,Yellow Wagtail and a Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Apr 15th
Wood warbler and Ring Ouzel-Bickerton Hills
Ring Ouzel-Female at Carr Lane Pools-Hale
Common Redstart-Female in private garden along Springe Lane-Gradeley Green
Common Redstart-Male on edge of woodland towards screen-Pickerings Pasture
2 Grasshopper Warbler (both reeling) - Burton Point.
3,000+ Pink-footed Geese flew north out of the estuary this morning, also Eider, Whimbrel and 2 Greenland Wheatear - Hilbre.
Common Sandpiper by River Birkett, 3+ Common Redstart, 2 Ring Ouzel in fields west of Lingmere Fishery, and Common Whitethroat, also 4 Red-throated Diver, 2 Razorbill and several Sandwich Tern off shore, small flocks of siskin flying east - Leasowe Lighthouse, this evening Whinchat and c10 Wheatear in field north of brick pit.
Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.
Apr 14th
Common Whitethroat,Common Redstart and Whimbrel-Hale
3,000+ Pink-footed Geese flew north out of the estuary this morning, also Eider, Whimbrel and 2 Greenland Wheatear - Hilbre.
Common Sandpiper by River Birkett, 3+ Common Redstart, 2 Ring Ouzel in fields west of Lingmere Fishery, and Common Whitethroat, also 4 Red-throated Diver, 2 Razorbill and several Sandwich Tern off shore, small flocks of siskin flying east - Leasowe Lighthouse, this evening Whinchat and c10 Wheatear in field north of brick pit.
Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.
Apr 14th
Common Whitethroat,Common Redstart and Whimbrel-Hale
5 Ring Ouzel-Walker Barn
Common Redstart-Willaston
Western Osprey-Flew south east-Woolston Eyes
Reed Warbler-Singing male at Fowle Brook-Maw Green Landfill Site
Yellow Wagtail and 5 House Martin over, also willow Warbler singing - Lower Heswall.
Common Redstart, 6 Wheatear,Little Ringed Plover seen displaying,2 Ring Ouzel (males) in field behind Lingham Lane fishery,'Channel' Wagtail in Kerr's Field, Tree Pipit along Park Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
430 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
3 Whimbrel flew north - Thurstaston.
2 Marsh Harrier and 5+ Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.
Apr 13th
Wryneck-Private Garden-Nantwich
430 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
3 Whimbrel flew north - Thurstaston.
2 Marsh Harrier and 5+ Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Spoonbill on Boathouse Flash - Parkgate.
Apr 13th
Wryneck-Private Garden-Nantwich
Ring Ouzel in field north of old brick works - Moreton.
2 Velvet Scoter, 46 Red-throated diver, 23 Little Gull, 28 Sandwich Tern and the first 4 Common Tern, also c2,500 Pink-footed Geese over plus 1 Eider (drake), 2 Whimbrel, 86 Brent Geese (2 dark bellied),Willow Warbler and 2 Wheatear - Hilbre.
Thousands of Pink-footed Geese on the marsh, also 3 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Wheatear, 1 Little Ringed Plover and Greenshank - Outer Burton Marsh.
Osprey eating fish sat on post this afternoon - Burton Marsh.
2 Velvet Scoter, 46 Red-throated diver, 23 Little Gull, 28 Sandwich Tern and the first 4 Common Tern, also c2,500 Pink-footed Geese over plus 1 Eider (drake), 2 Whimbrel, 86 Brent Geese (2 dark bellied),Willow Warbler and 2 Wheatear - Hilbre.
Thousands of Pink-footed Geese on the marsh, also 3 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Wheatear, 1 Little Ringed Plover and Greenshank - Outer Burton Marsh.
Osprey eating fish sat on post this afternoon - Burton Marsh.
Apr 12th
116 Fieldfare in ploughed field close to golf course - Hoylake Langfields.
Cetti's Warbler - Gilroy Nature Park, West Kirby.
280 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
Common Redstart (male) in bluebell wood - Burton Point.
2 Jack Snipe flew up by bridge screen - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Razorbill, 6 Red-throated Diver, 8 Sandwich Tern, 5 Wigeon and 2 Shoveller on the sea, also Ring Ouzel past fishery along Lingham Lane,Common Whitethroat, 3 Wheatear and White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
117 Brent (1 dark-bellied) and a Raven (feeding on dead grey seal) - Hilbre.
Apr 11th
Western Osprey-One flew over Stoneley Road towards Maw Green Tip-Crewe
280 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
Common Redstart (male) in bluebell wood - Burton Point.
2 Jack Snipe flew up by bridge screen - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Razorbill, 6 Red-throated Diver, 8 Sandwich Tern, 5 Wigeon and 2 Shoveller on the sea, also Ring Ouzel past fishery along Lingham Lane,Common Whitethroat, 3 Wheatear and White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
117 Brent (1 dark-bellied) and a Raven (feeding on dead grey seal) - Hilbre.
Apr 11th
Western Osprey-One flew over Stoneley Road towards Maw Green Tip-Crewe
Whooper Swan-Neumanns Flash-Northwich
Whooper Swan-11 on east pit at Mere Farm Quarry-Ch
Ring Necked Duck-Drake-On big Pool-Newchurch Common
Common Redstart-Scholar Green
White Wagtail-Pumphouse Flash-Sandbach Flashes
Reed Warbler-Singing male at Widnes Wharf-Widnes
21 Little Gull, Eider (drake), 850 Pink-footed Geese, 3 Wheatear and 35 Sandwich Tern - Hilbre.
Great Egret - Parkgate.
2 Sandwich Tern on groyne by Clown roundabout - New Brighton.
6 Sandwich Tern, 3 Little Gull, 2 Red-throated Diver and a Whooper Swan - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Wheatear and 2 White Wagtail - Hoylake Langfields.
Common Redstart (male) in sheep field - Burton Point.
Osprey - over estuary off Neston Reedbed at 1130am.
Apr 10th
2 Common Whitethroat *first of spring* in blackthorn - Heswall Fields NT.
2 Sandwich Tern on groyne by Clown roundabout - New Brighton.
6 Sandwich Tern, 3 Little Gull, 2 Red-throated Diver and a Whooper Swan - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Wheatear and 2 White Wagtail - Hoylake Langfields.
Common Redstart (male) in sheep field - Burton Point.
Osprey - over estuary off Neston Reedbed at 1130am.
Apr 10th
2 Common Whitethroat *first of spring* in blackthorn - Heswall Fields NT.
4 White Wagtail on sand - Red Rocks.
250 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
Cetti's Warbler - Gilroy Nature Park, West Kirby.
2 s/pl Red-throated Diver on sea - Wallasey.
Whimbrel, 460 Oystercatcher, 26 Grey Plover, 160 Knot, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 820 Curlew, 1900 Redshank - Heswall/Thurstaston Shore.
12 Sandwich Tern - Leasowe Gunsite.
Bittern,Marsh Harrier and 2 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Osprey over flew NE - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Osprey flew up river past Thurstaston Shore.
Whimbrel - Hilbre.
Grasshopper Warbler - Parkgate.
Apr 9th
Western Osprey-One flew over Weaver Bend late morning-Frodsham Marshes
250 Black-tailed Godwit - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
Cetti's Warbler - Gilroy Nature Park, West Kirby.
2 s/pl Red-throated Diver on sea - Wallasey.
Whimbrel, 460 Oystercatcher, 26 Grey Plover, 160 Knot, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 820 Curlew, 1900 Redshank - Heswall/Thurstaston Shore.
12 Sandwich Tern - Leasowe Gunsite.
Bittern,Marsh Harrier and 2 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Osprey over flew NE - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Osprey flew up river past Thurstaston Shore.
Whimbrel - Hilbre.
Grasshopper Warbler - Parkgate.
Apr 9th
Western Osprey-One flew over Weaver Bend late morning-Frodsham Marshes
Western Osprey-One flew North-Mow Cop
Little Tern-One flew west along River Mersey-Hale
Ring Ouzel-Male in fenced field above Goldford Lane car park-Bickerton Hill
Kittiwake-One on water at No 3 Bed-Woolston Eyes
Singing Sedge Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Singing Reed Warbler - Red Rocks.
Barn Owl, 3 Wheatear, 6 Swallow and 1 House Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse/Lingham Lane.
Barn Owl - Burton.
3 Little Gull, 6 Sandwich Tern, 1 Eider (drake) and 10 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
2 Twite in horse paddock behind Old Baths,Grasshopper Warbler - Parkgate.
Apr 8th
Common Redstart-Marbury Big Mere
Barn Owl, 3 Wheatear, 6 Swallow and 1 House Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse/Lingham Lane.
Barn Owl - Burton.
3 Little Gull, 6 Sandwich Tern, 1 Eider (drake) and 10 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
2 Twite in horse paddock behind Old Baths,Grasshopper Warbler - Parkgate.
Apr 8th
Common Redstart-Marbury Big Mere
Garganey-Carr lane Pools-Hale
10 Purple Sandpiper, 2 drake Eider (one imm), 8 Gannet, 1 Red-throated Diver, 114 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied), 80 Turnstone, 423 Curlew and passage of 325+ Common Gull - Hilbre.
3,500 Herring Gull - East Hoyle Bank.
Apr 7th
Richards Pipit-One on a construction site south-west of Wardle Industrial Estate-Haughton
Apr 7th
Richards Pipit-One on a construction site south-west of Wardle Industrial Estate-Haughton
Common Cuckoo-One at Four Ways Sand Quarry-Dealmere
2 Marsh Harrier and Great Egret - Parkgate.
3 House Martin over Denhall Lane - Burton.
10 Swallow over Carr Lane - Moreton.
Apr 6th
Western Osprey-One flew north-west over Primrose Wood-Kelsall
10 Swallow over Carr Lane - Moreton.
Apr 6th
Western Osprey-One flew north-west over Primrose Wood-Kelsall
3 White Wagtail-Marbury Country Park
Channel Wagatil-Male at Carr Lane Pools as viewed from Town Lane;Yellow wagtail and 8 white wagtail-Hale
Reed Warbler-Singing male along Witton Brook just downriver from car park-Neumanns Flash-Northwich
3 Marsh Harrier and a Great Egret - Parkgate.
Jack Snipe flew into ditch by Kerr's field, also a White Wagtail - Leasowe Lighthouse.
10 Twite east end of castle car park - Flint.
2 Bar-tailed godwit, 2 Knot, 650 Black-tailed Godwit and 9 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Apr 5th
Reed Warbler-Woolston Eyes
10 Twite east end of castle car park - Flint.
2 Bar-tailed godwit, 2 Knot, 650 Black-tailed Godwit and 9 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Apr 5th
Reed Warbler-Woolston Eyes
2 White-fronted Geese - Burton Marsh.
2 Garganey (pair) - Decca Pools.
The 21 Barnacle Geese being reported at Parkgate are the feral flock from Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
Apr 4th
Common Redstart-Shocklach
The 21 Barnacle Geese being reported at Parkgate are the feral flock from Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
Apr 4th
Common Redstart-Shocklach
3 Black necked Grebe-Frodsham Marshes
Reed Warbler-One at Saltersford Locks in first reedbed west of white bridge-Barnton
Eurasian Hobby-One flew north over flood at Old Alder Lane/Alder Lane junction-Winwick
Reed Warbler-Marbury Country Park
4 Jack Snipe-Whitley Reedbed
Garganey-Drake and Female-Ince Marshes
2 White-fronted Geese - Burton Marsh.
12 Sandwich Tern, 19 Red-breasted Merganser, 27 Little Gull, 60 Gannet and 2 drake Eider - Hilbre.
Apr 3rd
Eurasian Hobby-Holmes Chapel
Apr 3rd
Eurasian Hobby-Holmes Chapel
Garganey-One c 2km to west at Burleydam Pool late morning-Coxbank
Garden Warbler-Male singing near field flood-Newchuch Common
Eurasian Hobby-Woolston Eyes
Western Osprey-Sandbach Flashes
Osprey heading east at 11.40am - Meols.
8+ Great Egret and 1 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
2 Whooper Swan this evening, also 50 Sand Martin late afternoon, 1 Green Woodpecker and several Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
12 Little Gull, 6 Purple Sandpiper,Eider, 2 Red-throated Diver and 2,000 Herring Gull - Hilbre.
Apr 2
Ring Ouzel and Firecrest-Hale
2 Whooper Swan this evening, also 50 Sand Martin late afternoon, 1 Green Woodpecker and several Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
12 Little Gull, 6 Purple Sandpiper,Eider, 2 Red-throated Diver and 2,000 Herring Gull - Hilbre.
Apr 2
Ring Ouzel and Firecrest-Hale
White Wagtail-Sandbach Flashes
2 Avocet-Neumanns Flash-Northwich
Hen Harrier (male) - Burton Point.
4 Wheatear on dung heap this afternoon - Carr Lane, Hoylake Langfields.
3 Willow Warbler and loads of singing Chiffchaffs in area - Heswall Dales.
3 Wheatear in field next to sheep pens this afternoon - Burton Point.
Small numbers of Pink-footed Geese moving north over north Wirral this morning.
Apr 1st
3 Willow Warbler and loads of singing Chiffchaffs in area - Heswall Dales.
3 Wheatear in field next to sheep pens this afternoon - Burton Point.
Small numbers of Pink-footed Geese moving north over north Wirral this morning.
Apr 1st
Western Osprey-Budworth Mere-Northwich
Western Osprey-Cuddington
Osprey over Column Road, West Kirby at lunch time.
Crossbill heard singing - Ness Gardens.
White-fronted Goose (Russian) with Pink-footed Geese - Burton Marsh.
Cetti's Warbler and 1 Willow Warbler - Neston Old Quay.
Cetti's Warbler and 1 Marsh Harrier - Burton Point.
25 Sand Martin feeding this evening - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Crossbill heard singing - Ness Gardens.
White-fronted Goose (Russian) with Pink-footed Geese - Burton Marsh.
Cetti's Warbler and 1 Willow Warbler - Neston Old Quay.
Cetti's Warbler and 1 Marsh Harrier - Burton Point.
25 Sand Martin feeding this evening - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mar 31st
Osprey over West Kirby and an Osprey over Leasowe Lighthouse both seen ar same time (11.12am) so different birds.
Hen Harrier (male) - Neston Old Quay.
White-fronted Goose (Russian) with Pink-footed Geese - Burton Marsh.
3,625 Pink-footed Geese flew north over Heswall Marsh early morning, also seen over Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Marsh Harrier and 2 Peregrine, 1 Short-eared Owl off golf course - Parkgate.
29 Little Gull, 11 Wheatear, 354 Brent Geese, 13 Little Egret and 1 Swallow - Hilbre.
Mar 30th
1,800 Pink-footed Geese flew out of estuary early morning, 5 Wheatear, 3 Siskin,White Wagtail,Sand Martin and 2 Goldcrest - Hilbre.
Red-throated Diver off shore, a few Wheatears in the paddocks and a few Swallows over, 130+ Curlew roosted in fields over high tide - Leasowe Lighthouse.
60 Black-tailed Godwit (first ones of the spring, they should build up to several hundred in April) - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
2 Short-eared Owl off Gayton (Heswall GC) at high tide.
Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Osprey over heading towards West Kirby at high tide, also 2 Marsh Harrier over marsh and 6 Twite behind Old Baths Car Park - Parkgate.
Osprey over Greasby and Arrowe Park at 9am.
4+ Wheatear - Hoylake Langfields.
Brent Geese, 340 Shelduck, 14 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Great Egret, 21 Little Egret, Merlin,Jack Snipe, 2300 Redshank, 620 Curlew - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
7 Great Egret and 5,000 Pink-footed Geese - Denhall Quay.
32 Sand Martin flew west - Neston Sewage Works.
Mar 29th
An early Manx Shearwater flew west, also 2 House Martin,Ring Ouzel,2 Wheatear,Swallow and a Willow Warbler - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Sandwich Tern *first of spring* - Hilbre.
Short-eared Owl, 1 Great Egret and a Greenshank off Heswall Golf Course at high tide.
2 Water Pipit by Neston Sewage Works.
89 Avocet, 695 Black-tailed Godwit and 1,543 Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mar 28th
Ring Ouzel and a Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mar 27th
Ring Ouzel, 2 White Wagtail and a Sand Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Osprey over West Kirby and an Osprey over Leasowe Lighthouse both seen ar same time (11.12am) so different birds.
Hen Harrier (male) - Neston Old Quay.
White-fronted Goose (Russian) with Pink-footed Geese - Burton Marsh.
3,625 Pink-footed Geese flew north over Heswall Marsh early morning, also seen over Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Marsh Harrier and 2 Peregrine, 1 Short-eared Owl off golf course - Parkgate.
29 Little Gull, 11 Wheatear, 354 Brent Geese, 13 Little Egret and 1 Swallow - Hilbre.
Mar 30th
1,800 Pink-footed Geese flew out of estuary early morning, 5 Wheatear, 3 Siskin,White Wagtail,Sand Martin and 2 Goldcrest - Hilbre.
Red-throated Diver off shore, a few Wheatears in the paddocks and a few Swallows over, 130+ Curlew roosted in fields over high tide - Leasowe Lighthouse.
60 Black-tailed Godwit (first ones of the spring, they should build up to several hundred in April) - Caldy Wildfowl Collection.
2 Short-eared Owl off Gayton (Heswall GC) at high tide.
Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Osprey over heading towards West Kirby at high tide, also 2 Marsh Harrier over marsh and 6 Twite behind Old Baths Car Park - Parkgate.
Osprey over Greasby and Arrowe Park at 9am.
4+ Wheatear - Hoylake Langfields.
Brent Geese, 340 Shelduck, 14 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Great Egret, 21 Little Egret, Merlin,Jack Snipe, 2300 Redshank, 620 Curlew - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
7 Great Egret and 5,000 Pink-footed Geese - Denhall Quay.
32 Sand Martin flew west - Neston Sewage Works.
Mar 29th
An early Manx Shearwater flew west, also 2 House Martin,Ring Ouzel,2 Wheatear,Swallow and a Willow Warbler - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Sandwich Tern *first of spring* - Hilbre.
Short-eared Owl, 1 Great Egret and a Greenshank off Heswall Golf Course at high tide.
2 Water Pipit by Neston Sewage Works.
89 Avocet, 695 Black-tailed Godwit and 1,543 Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mar 28th
Ring Ouzel and a Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mar 27th
Ring Ouzel, 2 White Wagtail and a Sand Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Ring Ouzel
(C)Allan Conlin
16 House Martin *first of spring and 9 days earlier than last year*, also 1 Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
White Wagtail - Burton Marsh Farm.
Mar 26th
Ring Ouzel,White Wagtail and 3 Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Wheatear, Swallow, Eider (male) and 11 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
2 Sand Martin headed north - Thurstaston Visitor Centre.
2 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Wheatear by 'pitch & putt' near Coastguard - Wallasey.
Mar 25th
9 Chiffchaff singing between Lower Heswall and Parkgate along Wirral Way.
At least Ring Ouzel (male seen and also a possible female),Razorbill off shore.Willow Warbler, 2 Swallow and Sand Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Little Gull,Merlin and 11 Purple Sandpiper- Hilbre.
Great Egret landed behind scrub at back of beach - Heswall Shore.
Mar 24th
Red Kite over Lingham Lane then Kerr's Field at 11am, 2 Willow Warbler and a White Wagtail in Kerr's Field, Sand Martin over, 2 Gannet offshore and 5 Brent Geese towards the groyne - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Marsh Harrier and 400 Pink-footed Geese on marsh - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Wheatear in field by Burton Marsh.
7 Chiffchaff singing along Wirral Way, also 25 Fieldfare - Caldy/Thurstaston.
18 Pink-footed Geese, 342 Shelduck, 65 Wigeon, 565 Oystercatcher, 156 Grey Plover, 2000 Knot, 3000 Dunlin, 397 Curlew, 1 Greenshank, 2960 Redshank - Heswall Shore.
Willow Warbler and several Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
4 Twite in field behind Old Baths, Parkgate.
Mar 23rd
63 Little Gull (off west side) and 6 Whooper Swan (flying north) - Hilbre.
Greenshank by groyne - Meols.
Willow Warbler *first of Spring and earliest since 2017*,Wheatear and 3 Sand Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Mar 22nd
39 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied) at end of causeway early morning - Thurstaston Shore.
Lapland Bunting flew towards Point of Ayr, 29 Little Gull, 2 Goosander (pair) and an eider (drake) - Hilbre.
Mar 21th
4 Little Gull, 3 Razorbill, Guillemot,Eider and 15 Red-breasted Merganser, 5 Goldcrest on the island - Hilbre.
Cetti's Warbler singing along Carr Lane - Moreton.
3 Siskin along Lingham Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Bittern, 2 Marsh Harrier, 4 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Great Egret, 2 Mediterranean Gull, 60 Golden
White Wagtail - Burton Marsh Farm.
Mar 26th
Ring Ouzel,White Wagtail and 3 Wheatear - Leasowe Lighthouse.
3 Wheatear, Swallow, Eider (male) and 11 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
2 Sand Martin headed north - Thurstaston Visitor Centre.
2 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Wheatear by 'pitch & putt' near Coastguard - Wallasey.
Mar 25th
9 Chiffchaff singing between Lower Heswall and Parkgate along Wirral Way.
At least Ring Ouzel (male seen and also a possible female),Razorbill off shore.Willow Warbler, 2 Swallow and Sand Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Little Gull,Merlin and 11 Purple Sandpiper- Hilbre.
Great Egret landed behind scrub at back of beach - Heswall Shore.
Mar 24th
Red Kite over Lingham Lane then Kerr's Field at 11am, 2 Willow Warbler and a White Wagtail in Kerr's Field, Sand Martin over, 2 Gannet offshore and 5 Brent Geese towards the groyne - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Marsh Harrier and 400 Pink-footed Geese on marsh - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Wheatear in field by Burton Marsh.
7 Chiffchaff singing along Wirral Way, also 25 Fieldfare - Caldy/Thurstaston.
18 Pink-footed Geese, 342 Shelduck, 65 Wigeon, 565 Oystercatcher, 156 Grey Plover, 2000 Knot, 3000 Dunlin, 397 Curlew, 1 Greenshank, 2960 Redshank - Heswall Shore.
Willow Warbler and several Cetti's Warbler - Burton Mere Wetlands.
4 Twite in field behind Old Baths, Parkgate.
Mar 23rd
63 Little Gull (off west side) and 6 Whooper Swan (flying north) - Hilbre.
Greenshank by groyne - Meols.
Willow Warbler *first of Spring and earliest since 2017*,Wheatear and 3 Sand Martin - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Mar 22nd
39 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied) at end of causeway early morning - Thurstaston Shore.
Lapland Bunting flew towards Point of Ayr, 29 Little Gull, 2 Goosander (pair) and an eider (drake) - Hilbre.
Mar 21th
4 Little Gull, 3 Razorbill, Guillemot,Eider and 15 Red-breasted Merganser, 5 Goldcrest on the island - Hilbre.
Cetti's Warbler singing along Carr Lane - Moreton.
3 Siskin along Lingham Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Bittern, 2 Marsh Harrier, 4 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Great Egret, 2 Mediterranean Gull, 60 Golden
Plover, c200 Black-tailed Godwit, c80 Avocet - Burton Mere Wetlands.
(C)Pete Sutton
Little Ringed Plover and White Wagtail - Kerr's Field, Leasowe Lighthouse.
280 Brent Geese and 2 Rock Pipit between Tansky Rocks and Hilbre.
Snow Bunting between Red Rocks and Hoylake.
Mar 20th
Cetti's Warbler - Gilroy Nature Park, West Kirby.
8 Yellow hammer opposite Thornton Manor - Thornton Hough.
Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mar 19th
2,000+ Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank at low tide - Meols.
Great Egret - Neston Marsh.
Several Cetti's Warbler heard around Neston Sewage Farm.
Bittern (booming),Cattle Egret and a Bearded Tit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Possible Great Grey Shrike (briefly seen), also 3 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Point.
A 'probable' and exceptionally early Hobby reported over Willaston/Hooton.
417 Brent Geese (3 dark-bellied) highest count of the winter - Hilbre.
Mar 18th
Swallow *first of spring and five days earlier than last year* over Lingham Fisheries, Moreton.
Bittern (booming), seen and heard reedbed screen - Burton Mere Wetlands.
5 Red-breasted Merganser (2 drakes) - West Kirby Marine Lake.
352 Brent Geese 2 dark-bellied),Eider (drake), Peregrine and 2 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
280 Brent Geese and 2 Rock Pipit between Tansky Rocks and Hilbre.
Snow Bunting between Red Rocks and Hoylake.
Mar 20th
Cetti's Warbler - Gilroy Nature Park, West Kirby.
8 Yellow hammer opposite Thornton Manor - Thornton Hough.
Bittern - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mar 19th
2,000+ Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank at low tide - Meols.
Great Egret - Neston Marsh.
Several Cetti's Warbler heard around Neston Sewage Farm.
Bittern (booming),Cattle Egret and a Bearded Tit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Possible Great Grey Shrike (briefly seen), also 3 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Point.
A 'probable' and exceptionally early Hobby reported over Willaston/Hooton.
417 Brent Geese (3 dark-bellied) highest count of the winter - Hilbre.
Mar 18th
Swallow *first of spring and five days earlier than last year* over Lingham Fisheries, Moreton.
Bittern (booming), seen and heard reedbed screen - Burton Mere Wetlands.
5 Red-breasted Merganser (2 drakes) - West Kirby Marine Lake.
352 Brent Geese 2 dark-bellied),Eider (drake), Peregrine and 2 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
(C)Allan Conlin
Mar 17th
Bittern (booming), also seen and heard yesterday evening, reedbed screen - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Sand Martin - Point of Ayr.
332 Brent Geese (3 dark-bellied),Eider (drake),Raven and a Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
Mar 16th
4 Marsh Harrier in the air together towards Parkgate - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Mar 15th
4 Snow Bunting on rocks by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
Great Egret in field between Wirral Way and Wood Lane, Neston.
Great Egret off Netts Cafe - Burton Marsh.
259 Brent Geese (1 dark bellied),Shag and 3 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
Mar 14th
Kittiwake (adult),Little Stint and 8 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Iceland Gull - Oakenholt Marsh RSPB.
Greenshank on groyne,Eider off shore - Leasowe Lighthouse.
10 Little Gull, 3 Eider and 12 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
4 Snow Bunting on rocks by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
Mar 13th
Short-eared Owl,Hen Harrier (male) and 2 Peregrine over high tide - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
4 Snow Bunting on rocks by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
Mar 12th
25+ Little Gull and 40+ Gannet,lots of Kittiwakes and auks over high tide, 4+ Snow Bunting on rocks by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
Mar 11th
3 Gannet off Leasowe Lighthouse.
Kittiwake on New Brighton Dips.
4 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Mar 10th
Firecrest-Quackers Coppice-Crewe
Water Pipit and 2 White Wagtail-On flooded Maize field-Frodsham marshes
Little Ringed Plover-2 in flooded horse paddock just south of Alder Lane-Winwick
5 Snow Bunting - Hoylake.
Mar 9th
Female Scaup,2 Mediterranean Gulls and 3 Black Necked grebes-Woolston Eyes
Black Necked Grebe and 2 Red head Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Firecrest-Quackers Coppice-Crewe
Woodlark-possible moved slowly west-Chelford
Mediterranean Gull on Kerr's Field,Great Northern Diver, Little Gull and a Whooper wan offshore - Leasowe Lighthouse.
5 Snow Bunting on rocks by Lifeboat Station,Eider (drake) off shore - Hoylake.
Yellowhammer - Thornton Hough.
Mar 8th
Mediterranean Gull on Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.
90 Pink-footed Geese,480 Shelduck,65 Pintail,144 Teal,pair Eider,1730 Oystercatcher,63 Golden Plover,4000 Knot,3100 Dunlin,675 Curlew,2410 Redshank on ebbing tide - Thurstaston/Heswall Shore.
A very early Ring Ouzel at 5.30pm off Neston Road, Burton (just north of Burton).
Hen Harrier (grey male) flew over to marsh carrying prey, also a Merlin - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
308 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied),3 Rock Pipit (Middle Eye),290 Curlew,38 Ringed Plover,11 Purple Sandpiper and 5,500 Oystercatcher - Hilbre.
Raven and a Peregrine - Little Eye.
Mar 7th
Little Ringed Plover-Off Hemingshaw Lane-Arclid
Yellowhammer - Thornton Hough.
Mar 8th
Mediterranean Gull on Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.
90 Pink-footed Geese,480 Shelduck,65 Pintail,144 Teal,pair Eider,1730 Oystercatcher,63 Golden Plover,4000 Knot,3100 Dunlin,675 Curlew,2410 Redshank on ebbing tide - Thurstaston/Heswall Shore.
A very early Ring Ouzel at 5.30pm off Neston Road, Burton (just north of Burton).
Hen Harrier (grey male) flew over to marsh carrying prey, also a Merlin - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
308 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied),3 Rock Pipit (Middle Eye),290 Curlew,38 Ringed Plover,11 Purple Sandpiper and 5,500 Oystercatcher - Hilbre.
Raven and a Peregrine - Little Eye.
Mar 7th
Little Ringed Plover-Off Hemingshaw Lane-Arclid
2 Firecrest-Quakers Coppice-Crewe
White Wagtail *first of spring*, also 5 Chiffchaff and a Mediterranean Gull on Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Long-tailed Duck offshore - Hoylake.
Great egret and a Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
c300 Pink-footed Geese on marsh close in to Heswall Golf Course.
Great Egret in field by Wood Lane - Neston.
Mar 6th
Great egret and a Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
c300 Pink-footed Geese on marsh close in to Heswall Golf Course.
Great Egret in field by Wood Lane - Neston.
Mar 6th
7 Cattle Egrets-Puddington Lane
Black Necked Grebe and 2 Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Cattle Egret-Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes
3 Black necked Grebes-Woolston Eyes
Ringed Plover and Green Sandpiper-Mere farm Quarry-Chelford
4 Goosanders on flashes - Denhall Quay.
Little Ringed Plover-Frodsham Marshes
Little Ringed Plover-Frodsham Marshes
Black Necked Grebe and 2 Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
4 Adult Mediterranean-Neumanns Flash-Northwich and Marsh Harrier-Over
2 Adult Mediterranean Gulls-Sandbach Flashes
Caspian Gull-On River Mersey off gantry wall to east of Silver Jubilee Bridge-Runcorn Bridge
Eider (drake) and 1,500+ Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank,7 Snow Bunting on rocks by RNLI - Hoylake.
394 Brent Geese and 2 Rock Pipit (Middle Eye) - Hilbre.
6 Little Gull,2 Great Northern Diver,3 Razorbil,Velvet scoter and 300 Common Scoter offshore,Mediterranean Gull in Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Sand Martin *first of spring* and 4 Bewick's Swan,3 Russian White-fronted Geese flew over towards Burton Marsh - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Hen Harrier (grey male),Merlin,Jack Snipe and a Cetti's Warbler - Decca Pools.
Mar 4th
Black Necked Grebe-3 on No 3 Bed from John Morgan Hide-Woolston Eyes
6 Little Gull,2 Great Northern Diver,3 Razorbil,Velvet scoter and 300 Common Scoter offshore,Mediterranean Gull in Kerr's Field - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Sand Martin *first of spring* and 4 Bewick's Swan,3 Russian White-fronted Geese flew over towards Burton Marsh - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Hen Harrier (grey male),Merlin,Jack Snipe and a Cetti's Warbler - Decca Pools.
Mar 4th
Black Necked Grebe-3 on No 3 Bed from John Morgan Hide-Woolston Eyes
2 Great White Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Decca Pools.
2 Red-throated Diver,Great Northern Diver and 5 Little Gull (adults) offshore - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Raven flew over Little Neston towards the marsh.
2 Raven,2 Rock Pipit,362 Brent Geese,110 Turnstone and 100+ Common Scoter - Hilbre.
Mar 3th
3 Black Necked Grebes,Sand Martin-Woolston Eyes and Female Scaup-Manchester Ship Canal-Woolston Eyes
2 Red-throated Diver,Great Northern Diver and 5 Little Gull (adults) offshore - Leasowe Lighthouse.
2 Raven flew over Little Neston towards the marsh.
2 Raven,2 Rock Pipit,362 Brent Geese,110 Turnstone and 100+ Common Scoter - Hilbre.
Mar 3th
3 Black Necked Grebes,Sand Martin-Woolston Eyes and Female Scaup-Manchester Ship Canal-Woolston Eyes
Redhead Smew of Unknown origin and 2 Brambling-Newchurch Common
Sand Martin-Budworth Mere-Northwich
White Stork-Reported flying south over No 1 Bed-Woolston Eyes and Little Ringed plover flying north
6 Crossbill - Ness Gardens.
Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Mediterranean Gull - Kerr's Field, Leasowe.
Mar 2th
2 White-fronted Geese with Pink-footed Geese,Marsh Harrier and 2 Great Egret - Burton Marsh.
Green Sandpiper in flooded field by Shotwick Boating Lake.
7 Purple Sandpiper,313 Turnstone and 123 Redshank - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Avocet by pool in field next to Moreton spur (M53).
Mar 1st
Avocet-One from gate at end of Lapwing Lane-Acre Nook Quarry
Mediterranean Gull - Kerr's Field, Leasowe.
Mar 2th
2 White-fronted Geese with Pink-footed Geese,Marsh Harrier and 2 Great Egret - Burton Marsh.
Green Sandpiper in flooded field by Shotwick Boating Lake.
7 Purple Sandpiper,313 Turnstone and 123 Redshank - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Avocet by pool in field next to Moreton spur (M53).
Mar 1st
Avocet-One from gate at end of Lapwing Lane-Acre Nook Quarry
Jack Snipe - West Kirby Marsh.
Cetti's Warbler heard by track to Burton Point.
243 Turnstone,Peregrine,Eider (drake),Stonechat,3 Rock Pipit and 40 Linnet - Hilbre.
Lots of reports of singing Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps.
243 Turnstone,Peregrine,Eider (drake),Stonechat,3 Rock Pipit and 40 Linnet - Hilbre.
Lots of reports of singing Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps.
Feb 28th
124 Avocet-Hale
Redhead Smew-Of unknown Origin-Newchurch Common
2 Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
2 Adult summer Mediterranean Gulls-Sandbach Flashes
Caspian Gull-3rd-winter on River Mersey to west of old Runcorn bridge-Widnes
Red Knot-Acre Nook Sand Quarry-Chelford
A nice early Wheatear *first of spring* in paddocks along Park Lane, Meols.
Slavonian Grebe-Female Long Tailed Duck and an Eider - Hilbre.
Long-tailed Duck off Leasowe Lighthouse.
7 Snow Bunting on beach, 2 Eider off shore - Hoylake.
12 Crossbill - Ness Gardens.
Marsh Harrier - Neston Marsh.
Feb 27th
Ringtail Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier-Frodsham Marshes
Slavonian Grebe-Female Long Tailed Duck and an Eider - Hilbre.
Long-tailed Duck off Leasowe Lighthouse.
7 Snow Bunting on beach, 2 Eider off shore - Hoylake.
12 Crossbill - Ness Gardens.
Marsh Harrier - Neston Marsh.
Feb 27th
Ringtail Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier-Frodsham Marshes
Western Cattle Egret-One to east at 53.089, -2.862-Farndon
10 Goldeneye,28 Goosander,4 Brambling and a Red Knot-Acre Nook Sand Quarry-Chelford
11 Crossbill - Ness Gardens.
4 Eider,3 Red-breasted Merganser and 350 Common Scoter off Hoylake.
Eider (drake),302 Brent Geese(1 dark-bellied),460 Sanderling (flying north) and 100+ Bar-tailed Godwit (flying north) - Hilbre.
Feb 26th
3 Yellowhammer (males) - Thornton Hough.
4+ Crossbill - Ness Gardens.
Grey male Hen Harrier and 3 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
Mediterranean Gull on shore, c100 Common Scoter off shore and a Kingfisher on duck pond (briefly) - Leasowe Lighthouse.
4 Eider,3 Red-breasted Merganser and 350 Common Scoter off Hoylake.
Eider (drake),302 Brent Geese(1 dark-bellied),460 Sanderling (flying north) and 100+ Bar-tailed Godwit (flying north) - Hilbre.
Feb 26th
3 Yellowhammer (males) - Thornton Hough.
4+ Crossbill - Ness Gardens.
Grey male Hen Harrier and 3 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
Mediterranean Gull on shore, c100 Common Scoter off shore and a Kingfisher on duck pond (briefly) - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Common Scoter
(C)Peter Sutton
2 Eider off Hoylake.
Feb 25th
Adult Mediterranean Gull-Lower Stratton
Whooper Swan-Sandbach Flashes
Cettis Warbler-Dutton Locks
2 Eurasian Bittern-Marbury Country Park
Mediterranean Gull-Neumanns Flash-Northwich
Redhead Smew-Of Unknown Origin and 2nd Winter Mediteranean Gull-Newchurch Common
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Velvet Scoter-3 (two drakes) offshore; also 2 Common Eider
House Martin-Over Marton Hole Pond-Whitegate
Several Crossbill and 5 Redpoll - Ness Gardens.
6 Yellowhammer - Thornton Hough.
Merlin - Heswall Marsh.
3 Velvet Scoter (2 drakes) and 2 Eider (pair) off Hoylake this afternoon.
416 Brent Geese swam up east gutter with tide, 380 Curlew, 85 Sanderling, 3 Rock Pipit, 45 Linnet and 2 Stock Dove flew west - Hilbre.Feb 25
Several Crossbill and 5 Redpoll - Ness Gardens.
6 Yellowhammer - Thornton Hough.
Merlin - Heswall Marsh.
3 Velvet Scoter (2 drakes) and 2 Eider (pair) off Hoylake this afternoon.
416 Brent Geese swam up east gutter with tide,380 Curlew,85 Sanderling,3 Rock Pipit,45 Linnet and 2 Stock Dove flew west - Hilbre.
Feb 24th
2 Eurasian Bitterns-Marbury Country Park
Merlin - Heswall Marsh.
3 Velvet Scoter (2 drakes) and 2 Eider (pair) off Hoylake this afternoon.
416 Brent Geese swam up east gutter with tide, 380 Curlew, 85 Sanderling, 3 Rock Pipit, 45 Linnet and 2 Stock Dove flew west - Hilbre.Feb 25
Several Crossbill and 5 Redpoll - Ness Gardens.
6 Yellowhammer - Thornton Hough.
Merlin - Heswall Marsh.
3 Velvet Scoter (2 drakes) and 2 Eider (pair) off Hoylake this afternoon.
416 Brent Geese swam up east gutter with tide,380 Curlew,85 Sanderling,3 Rock Pipit,45 Linnet and 2 Stock Dove flew west - Hilbre.
Feb 24th
2 Eurasian Bitterns-Marbury Country Park
Drake Garganey and female Scaup-Woolston Eyes
1265 Pink-footed Geese,343 Shelduck,65 Pintail,176 Teal,Dabchick,2400 Oystercatcher,700 Lapwing,62 Grey Plover,144 Golden Plover,1300 Knot, 5000 Dunlin,565 Curlew,1600 Redshank,Greenshank on rising tide - Heswall.
2 Woodcock - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2+ Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
6 Snow Bunting on the rocks by the Lifeboat station, Hoylake.
9 Brent Geese - Leasowe Lighthouse.
5 Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
Feb 23rd
Eurasian Bittern-Marbury Country Park
2 Woodcock - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2+ Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
6 Snow Bunting on the rocks by the Lifeboat station, Hoylake.
9 Brent Geese - Leasowe Lighthouse.
5 Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
Feb 23rd
Eurasian Bittern-Marbury Country Park
Bewick's Swan-2 off Lordship Lane by Spring Farm-Frodsham Marshes
3+ Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
7 Crossbill in pine trees - Mudhouse Lane, Burton.
13 Avocet and 8 spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
3 Jack Snipe - Red Rocks Marsh.
Feb 22nd
Garganey-Drake dropped onto No 3 Bed-Woolston Eyes
13 Avocet and 8 spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
3 Jack Snipe - Red Rocks Marsh.
Feb 22nd
Garganey-Drake dropped onto No 3 Bed-Woolston Eyes
Hen Harrier (grey male) - Gronant.
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
Scaup off Leasowe Lighthouse, 8 Stonechat in horse paddocks.
Merlin and plenty of Skylarks singing - Burton Marsh.
Hen Harrier (ringtail) over farmland - Willaston.
Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
48 Great Crested Grebe in Dee channel south of Mostyn Dock.
Hen Harrier (grey male) and 2 Merlin - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Snow Bunting,320 Brent Geese(1 dark bellied),6 Goosander(redheads) preening on nort end),Stonechat,4 Rock Pipit,Peregrine and 2 Raven - Hilbre.
Scaup off Leasowe Lighthouse, 8 Stonechat in horse paddocks.
Merlin and plenty of Skylarks singing - Burton Marsh.
Hen Harrier (ringtail) over farmland - Willaston.
Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
48 Great Crested Grebe in Dee channel south of Mostyn Dock.
Hen Harrier (grey male) and 2 Merlin - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Snow Bunting,320 Brent Geese(1 dark bellied),6 Goosander(redheads) preening on nort end),Stonechat,4 Rock Pipit,Peregrine and 2 Raven - Hilbre.
Feb 21st
7 Snow Bunting on the rocks by the Lifeboat station, Hoylake.
2 Goldeneye (drake),2 Razorbill,2 Eider (pair) and a Red-throated Diver-off East Hoyle Bank, Hoylake.
2 Snow Bunting,305 Brent Geese(1 dark bellied),9 Red-throated Diver,3 Razorbill and an Eider (male) - Hilbre.
25 Brent Geese and 14,000 Knot - Thurstaston Shore.
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
Feb 20th
Spotted Redshank and Hen Harrier-Male-Neston marsh
2 Snow Bunting,305 Brent Geese(1 dark bellied),9 Red-throated Diver,3 Razorbill and an Eider (male) - Hilbre.
25 Brent Geese and 14,000 Knot - Thurstaston Shore.
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
Feb 20th
Spotted Redshank and Hen Harrier-Male-Neston marsh
1+ Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
2 Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
5 Crossbill in pines - Mudhouse Lane, Burton.
Mediterranean Gull - New Brighton.
Feb 19th
Hen Harrier-ringtail hunting field alongside Carr Lane Pools-Hale
2 Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
5 Crossbill in pines - Mudhouse Lane, Burton.
Mediterranean Gull - New Brighton.
Feb 19th
Hen Harrier-ringtail hunting field alongside Carr Lane Pools-Hale
9 Brent Geese - Leasowe Lighthouse.
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
3,200 Pink-footed Geese roosted overnight just north of Heswall Marsh.
Feb 18th
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
Cattle Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
3,200 Pink-footed Geese roosted overnight just north of Heswall Marsh.
Feb 18th
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens.
Feb 17th
Belated News-Dusky warbler-One photographed at Mere Farm Quarry last Wednesday but no sign since-Chelford
12 Crossbill in pines by Ness Gardens-Ness
Common Crossbill
(C)Pete Sutton
(C)Andy Goodwin
Feb 16th
Iceland Gull-Immature-Richmond Bank
Pair of Eider observed mating-Hilbre.
Water Pipit-End of Marshlands Road - Neston Marsh.
Green Sandpiper on flooded field - Benty Heath Lane, Willaston.
Water Pipit-End of Marshlands Road - Neston Marsh.
Green Sandpiper on flooded field - Benty Heath Lane, Willaston.
Feb 15th
3 Goosander and 5 Brent Goose - West Kirby Marine Lake.
12,500 Knot.7,000 Dunlin, 95 Grey plover and 375 Curlew - Hilbre.
1 Jack Snipe and 4 Skylark (2 displaying) - West Kirby Marsh/Dunes.
12,500 Knot.7,000 Dunlin, 95 Grey plover and 375 Curlew - Hilbre.
1 Jack Snipe and 4 Skylark (2 displaying) - West Kirby Marsh/Dunes.
Scaup-Female-Woolston Eyes
Belated News- A Cheshire and Wirral first-Hooded Merganser-1st-winter drake from 20 January-8 February but no sign since-Tatton park
Cattle Egret-River Gowy
Feb 14th
Belated news-Firecrest-Tatton Park
3 Goosander and 7 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Whooper Swan and 10 Great Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.
1 Red Kite over fields along Arrowbrook Lane heading towards Thurstaston Hill early afternoon.
1,600 Pintail - Thurstaston Shore.
200+ Brent Geese,880 Cormorant flew out of the estuary,9,000 Knot flew towards Hoylake, 530 Grey Plover and 14,300 Oystercatcher at first light - Hilbre.
3 Red-throated Diver at high tide off Hoylake.
2 Jack Snipe flushed by walkers - West Kirby Marsh.
Feb 12th
1 Red Kite over fields along Arrowbrook Lane heading towards Thurstaston Hill early afternoon.
1,600 Pintail - Thurstaston Shore.
200+ Brent Geese,880 Cormorant flew out of the estuary,9,000 Knot flew towards Hoylake, 530 Grey Plover and 14,300 Oystercatcher at first light - Hilbre.
3 Red-throated Diver at high tide off Hoylake.
2 Jack Snipe flushed by walkers - West Kirby Marsh.
Feb 12th
Great white Egret-Marbury Big mere
Scaup-Immature Male-Frodsham Marshes
Mediteranean Gull 2cy-Spike Island-Widnes
Caspian Gull-On roof of WSR recycling-Widnes
Iceland Gull-Juvenile and Adult and 3rd Winter and 2nd Yellow Legged Gull-River Mersey-Runcorn Bridge
Marsh harrier-Woolston Eyes
Woodcock near Lingham Lane, Moreton.
2,000+ Pink-footed Geese in fields adjacent to Wirral Way, Thurstaston.
120 Black-tailed Godwit over Newton (West Kirby).
3 Goosander and 11 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Jack snipe flushed by dog from area of unfrozen water - Red Rocks Marsh.
35 Black-tailed Godwit over east, 70+ Sanderling, 230 Grey Plover, 6 Lapwing west - Hilbre.
4 Rock Pipit - Middle Eye.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male), 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Great E
2,000+ Pink-footed Geese in fields adjacent to Wirral Way, Thurstaston.
120 Black-tailed Godwit over Newton (West Kirby).
3 Goosander and 11 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
1 Jack snipe flushed by dog from area of unfrozen water - Red Rocks Marsh.
35 Black-tailed Godwit over east, 70+ Sanderling, 230 Grey Plover, 6 Lapwing west - Hilbre.
4 Rock Pipit - Middle Eye.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male), 2 Marsh Harrier, 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Great E
5 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
1 Peregrine,Marsh Harrier and a Great Egret - Denhall Quay.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male),3 Marsh Harrier,Great Egret and a Water Pipit - Neston Marsh/Sewage Works.
1,200 Pink-footed Geese in field below Dungeon Wood, Thurstaston.
1 Peregrine,Marsh Harrier and a Great Egret - Denhall Quay.
1 Hen Harrier (grey male),3 Marsh Harrier,Great Egret and a Water Pipit - Neston Marsh/Sewage Works.
1,200 Pink-footed Geese in field below Dungeon Wood, Thurstaston.
Feb 11th
Water Pipit-One at sewage works
2 Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Smew-Female of unknown origin-Newchurch Common
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker-Big wood-Marbury Country Park
Firecrest in bushes entrance to sewage works-Target Road-Heswall
Feb 10th
Black necked Grebe-Adult on a private water body-Birkenhead
2 Redhead Smew,Yellow Legged Gull and a Water Rail-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
3,000+ Dunlin,200 Redshank,60 Turnstone and 20 Knot on the rocks,5 Goosander and 3 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine La
7,000 Knot - Heswall Shore.
Firecrest in bushes entrance to sewage works - Target Road, Heswall.
Bittern off Old Baths, Parkgate.
2 Peregrine,2 Red-throated Diver,3 Red-breated Merganser,4 Great Crested Grebe,7,000 Knot,2,500 Dunlin, 10,000 Oystercatcher,300 Curlew,120 Grey Plover,13 Purple Sandpiper,98 Turnstone and 250 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
Barn Owl shoeing well just before dusk - Burton Marsh.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male) - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Bittern flew into roost at 5.30pm - Neston Reedbed.
Firecrest in bushes entrance to sewage works - Target Road, Heswall.
Bittern off Old Baths, Parkgate.
2 Peregrine,2 Red-throated Diver,3 Red-breated Merganser,4 Great Crested Grebe,7,000 Knot,2,500 Dunlin, 10,000 Oystercatcher,300 Curlew,120 Grey Plover,13 Purple Sandpiper,98 Turnstone and 250 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
Barn Owl shoeing well just before dusk - Burton Marsh.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male) - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Bittern flew into roost at 5.30pm - Neston Reedbed.
Feb 9th
Hen Harrier (grey male) being followed by a Merlin,also 2 Marsh Harrier and 5 Little Grebe on Donkey Stand Flash - Parkgate.
Greater White Fronted Geese-one flew south-east with Pink Footed Geese early morning-Bidston
570 Pink-footed Geese,490 Shelduck,227 Teal,63 Pintail,3700 Oystercatcher,21 Grey Plover,202 Golden Plover,1700 Lapwing, 3500 Knot,5000 Dunlin,694 Curlew,126 Bar-tailed Godwit,8 Black-tailed Godwit,Greenshank,1350 Redshank over high tide - Heswall Shore.
3 Cattle Egret in fields - Puddington Lane.
Feb 8th
2 Avocet (first of year) and Bittern flew into roost at 5.35pm-Neston Reedbed.
At least 300 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied),2 Raven,150+ Curlew and 8,000 Oystercatcher - Hilbre.
At least 300 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied),2 Raven,150+ Curlew and 8,000 Oystercatcher - Hilbre.
Whooper Swan-Adult still on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
Siberian Chiffchaff-Still in garden-Wallasey
Eurasian Bittern-One still in Coward Reedbed-Marbury Country Park-Northwich
Western Cattle Egret-Five in field along Puddington Lane by Manor House Farm-Puddington
Feb 7th
Green Winged Teal-Drake on pool on field opposite pig farm
Caspian Gull-Adult reported on Buoy E this afternoon then flew off-Budworth Mere-Northwich
Snow Bunting-Seven still feeding on the beach-Hoylake
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still attending feeders in private garden-Widnes
Caspian Gull-1st-winter reported at Latchford Locks yesterday afternoon (bird has been reportedly present along Manchester Ship Canal since Tuesday)-Woolston Eyes
2 Goosander (pair) on pond by Meols Station.
2 Marsh Harrier,2 Great Egret and 5 Little Grebe - Donkey Stand Flash, Parkgate.
397 Brent Geese (2 dark-bellied),Peregrine,2 Raven and 4 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
Bittern flew into roost at 5.15pm - Neston Reedbed.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male),Merlin and a Great Egret - Riverbank Road Heswall.
Feb 6th
Greater Scaup-1st-winter drake still on River Weaver-Frodsham Marshes
397 Brent Geese (2 dark-bellied),Peregrine,2 Raven and 4 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
Bittern flew into roost at 5.15pm - Neston Reedbed.
2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and grey male),Merlin and a Great Egret - Riverbank Road Heswall.
Feb 6th
Greater Scaup-1st-winter drake still on River Weaver-Frodsham Marshes
Smew-Redhead still in north-west corner-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Peregrine,Merlin,Marsh Harrier,Hen Harrier (grey male) and a Great Egret - Decca Pools.
410 Brent Geese (2 dark-bellied) and a Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
Feb 5th
Feb 5th
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still attending feeders in private garden-Widnes
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Eurasian Bittern-2 again roosting in Coward Reedbed-Northwich
Eurasian Bittern-One flew from Thornton Ditch footpath near bridge over River Gowy-Gowy Meadows
5 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
400 Brent Geese (including 1 dark-bellied) - Hilbre.
Hen Harrier (grey male) and 20 Shoveler - Gronant.
Feb 3rd
400 Brent Geese (including 1 dark-bellied) - Hilbre.
Hen Harrier (grey male) and 20 Shoveler - Gronant.
Feb 3rd
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
2 Smew-Redheads still-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
At least 306 Great Crested Grebe over high tide - Leasowe Lighthouse.
4220 Pink-footed Geese roosted north end of Heswall Marsh overnight then flew off in northerly direction early morning.
Spoonbill flew high over Burton Marsh late afternoon.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Feb 2nd
Spoonbill flew high over Burton Marsh late afternoon.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Feb 2nd
Kittiwake-Adult-Astbury Mere
Hen Harrier (grey male) - Gronant.
Scaup ,2 Red-throated Diver and 600 Common Scoter on sea, 8 Snow Bunting on beach - Hoylake Shore.
Feb 1st
Russian White Fronted Goose-Still on Budworth Mere this afternoon-Northwich
Scaup ,2 Red-throated Diver and 600 Common Scoter on sea, 8 Snow Bunting on beach - Hoylake Shore.
Feb 1st
Russian White Fronted Goose-Still on Budworth Mere this afternoon-Northwich
Firecrest-Still in trees just south of Hale Park-Hale
Smew-2 redheads in north-east corner-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Hen Harrier (grey male) - Gronant.
Long-tailed Duck on sea, 8 Snow Bunting on beach - Hoylake Shore.
2 Eider (drake and duck), 13,500 Knot, 3,000 Dunlin, 230 Grey Plover, 8,500 Oystercatcher and 3 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
2 Goldeneye,Goosander and 7 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
3 Great Egret and 2 Stonechat - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
2 Eider (drake and duck), 13,500 Knot, 3,000 Dunlin, 230 Grey Plover, 8,500 Oystercatcher and 3 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
2 Goldeneye,Goosander and 7 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
3 Great Egret and 2 Stonechat - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Jan 31st
Common Scoter and European Shag-Female at East Float, Birkenhead Docks for third day-Birkenhead
Eurasian Bittern-One flew north over Radley Lane,Houghton Green yesterday evening-Houghton Green Flash-Warrington
Russian White Fronted Goose-Still on Budworth Mere this afternoon-Northwich and 2 Eurasian Bittern
Water Pipit,Green Sandpiper,ringtail Hen Harrier,2 Cetti's Warbler,4 Grey Wagtail,4 Stonechat and a Mediterranean Gull - Neston Marsh/Reed Bed.
Mediterranean Gull in flooded fields,3 Whooper Swan over - Park Lane, Meols.
2 Goldeneye - West Kirby Marine Lake.
85 Grey Plover,6,000 Knot,300 Common Scoter and 3 Rock Pipit before high tide - Hilbre.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
2 Goldeneye - West Kirby Marine Lake.
85 Grey Plover,6,000 Knot,300 Common Scoter and 3 Rock Pipit before high tide - Hilbre.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Jan 30th
Russian White Fronted Goose-Still on Budworth Mere this afternoon-Northwich
Ad Mediterranean Gull with good numbers of waders and ducks in flooded fields - Park Lane, Meols.
Grey male Hen Harrier over fields - Ness.
Bittern flew into roost at 5.23pm - Neston Reed Bed.
2 Hen Harrier (male and ringtail),2 Marsh Harrier and a Great Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Bittern flew into roost at 5.23pm - Neston Reed Bed.
2 Hen Harrier (male and ringtail),2 Marsh Harrier and a Great Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Russain White Fronted Goose-Budworth Mere-Northwich
Hen Harrier-Male over fields at Snab Lane, Ness-Little Neston
Jan 29th
Russain White Fronted Goose-Budworth Mere-Northwich
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Firecrest-Still in trees just south of Hale Park-Hale
18 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
8 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton, Hilbre and New Brighton birds counted at same time.
6 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
2 Cattle Egret and 40+ Little Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
Merlin,Marsh Harrier and a Great Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Grey male Hen Harrier,Barn Owl,Little Owl and 5 Great Egret - Burton Point.
Jan 28th
Whooper Swan-adult still on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
6 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
2 Cattle Egret and 40+ Little Egret in field by Puddington Lane.
Merlin,Marsh Harrier and a Great Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Grey male Hen Harrier,Barn Owl,Little Owl and 5 Great Egret - Burton Point.
Jan 28th
Whooper Swan-adult still on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
Long-tailed Duck on sea - Hoylake.
Eurasian Bittern-2 still in Coward Reedbed-Northwich
Jan 27th
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still in private garden-Widnes
17 Purple Sandpiper roosting also 1 Eider - Hilbre.
5 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon - New Brighton Marine Lake.
11 Goosander and 7 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
8 Snow Bunting,Mediterranean Gull,Long-tailed Duck on sea - Hoylake.
Mediterranean Gull,Raven,13 Brent Geese on shore - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Mediterranean Gull - New Brighton.
Bittern flew in at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
5 Bewick's Swan and 28 Whooper Swan - White Sands (outer Burton Marsh).
Jan 26th
5 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon - New Brighton Marine Lake.
11 Goosander and 7 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
8 Snow Bunting,Mediterranean Gull,Long-tailed Duck on sea - Hoylake.
Mediterranean Gull,Raven,13 Brent Geese on shore - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Mediterranean Gull - New Brighton.
Bittern flew in at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
5 Bewick's Swan and 28 Whooper Swan - White Sands (outer Burton Marsh).
Jan 26th
1st Winter Greater White Fronted Goose-On private land-Middlewich
Greater Scaup-Female by car park on Ship Canal-Woolston Eyes
RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands - "A reminder that Burton Mere Wetlands is open again from today for local, essential exercise only. Trails are still very wet & muddy, & sometimes icy, so wellies are recommended. Please follow all current Government legislation and reserve signage to help us".
54 Brent Geese just off beach between Caldy and Thurstaston on ebbing tide.
Jan 25th
Caspian Gull-1st-winter again at Delamere Lake-Oakmere
Jan 25th
Caspian Gull-1st-winter again at Delamere Lake-Oakmere
Eurasian Bittern-Still in Coward Reedbed-Northwich
Smew-Redhead-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
17 Purple Sandpiper roosting over high tide, highest count for several years, Eider,Jack Snipe,Raven mobbing a Peregrine,300 Curlew,115 Golden Plover south, 200+ Grey Plover and 7.500 Knot - Hilbre.
620 Pink-footed Geese,22 Barnacle Geese (feral),240 Pintail,205 Teal,4700 Oystercatcher,57 Grey Plover,223 Golden Plover,1500 Lapwing,4000 Knot, 2500 Dunlin,118 Bar-tailed Godwit,1150 Curlew,930 Redshank,2 Greenshank between Heswall and Thurstaston at high tide.
Bittern flew in at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
62 Shoveler and a Water Rail in flooded field by Pasture Road, Moreton.
Jan 24th
Caspian Gull-Adult,2 Adult Yellow Legged Gulls and 3 Whooper Swans
Bittern flew in at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
62 Shoveler and a Water Rail in flooded field by Pasture Road, Moreton.
Jan 24th
Caspian Gull-Adult,2 Adult Yellow Legged Gulls and 3 Whooper Swans
Whooper Swan-Adult still showing well on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
Dusky Warbler-Again on east side then flew to west side to area with no general access
Bittern came into roost just after 5pm - Neston Reedbed.
Grey male Hen Harrier (and probable distant ringtail),Merlin and a Great Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Greenshank and 22 Brent Geese by groyne - Meols Shore.
4 Great Egret,5 Marsh Harrier,Merlin and 4 Stonechat,Little Grebe on Decca pools - Burton Marsh.
2 Raven and 7 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
Jan 23rd
Eurasian Bittern-Flushed from ditch next to footpath-Gowy Meadows
Greenshank and 22 Brent Geese by groyne - Meols Shore.
4 Great Egret,5 Marsh Harrier,Merlin and 4 Stonechat,Little Grebe on Decca pools - Burton Marsh.
2 Raven and 7 Purple Sandpiper - Hilbre.
Jan 23rd
Eurasian Bittern-Flushed from ditch next to footpath-Gowy Meadows
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still attending feeders in private garden-Widnes
Greater Scaup-1st-winter drake still on River Weaver-Frodsham
11 Goosander,9 Red-breasted Merganser and 2 Brent Geese - West Kirby Marine Lake.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
7 Marsh Harrier and 4 Great Egret - Neston Reedbed.
220 Pintail,4500 Oystercatcher,127 Bar-tailed Godwit,3400 Knot,350 Dunlin off Dee Sailing club on ebbing tide - Thurstaston.
Jan 22th
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
7 Marsh Harrier and 4 Great Egret - Neston Reedbed.
220 Pintail,4500 Oystercatcher,127 Bar-tailed Godwit,3400 Knot,350 Dunlin off Dee Sailing club on ebbing tide - Thurstaston.
Jan 22th
Eurasian Bittern-TA Coward reedbed-Marbury Country Park
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Western Cattle Egret-2 still in field by canal-Marbury Big Mere
2 Marsh Harrier and a male Hen Harrier - Parkgate Old Baths.
9 Goosander,7 Red-breasted Merganser and 2 Goldeneye - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Jan 21st
Burton Mere Wetlands closed for several days due to extensive flooding.
9 Brent Geese on shore and 50 Linnet managed to find a dry spot to feed in the horse paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Great Egret near rifle range - Burton Marsh.
Bittern flew in at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
Jan 20nd
Mediterranean Gull on fence post along Park Lane, area flooded - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Jan 21st
Burton Mere Wetlands closed for several days due to extensive flooding.
9 Brent Geese on shore and 50 Linnet managed to find a dry spot to feed in the horse paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Great Egret near rifle range - Burton Marsh.
Bittern flew in at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
Jan 20nd
Mediterranean Gull on fence post along Park Lane, area flooded - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Mediterranean Gull
(C) S. Williams
Eurasian Bittern-2 still in Coward Reedbed-Northwich
30 Twite - Bettisfield cob, Bagillt.
13 Red-breasted Merganser,8 Goosander,2 Goldeneye,5 Brent Geese and a Great Crested Grebe - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Jan 19th
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Jan 19th
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Caspian Gull-1st-winter at Delamere Lake-Oakmere
6 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Jan 18th
Smew-Adult on Big pool-Newchurch Common
2 Goldeneye (drakes),5 Goosander and a Great Crested Grebe - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Peregrine, 2 Rock Pipit, c9,000 Knot and 2,500 Dunlin at first light - Hilbre.
Jan 17th
Greater Scaup-1st-winter drake still on River Weaver-Frodsham Marshes
Jan 17th
Greater Scaup-1st-winter drake still on River Weaver-Frodsham Marshes
Smew-redhead-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
2 Green Sandpiper in stubble field adjacent to Shotwick Boating Lake.
2 Stonechat on the marsh - West Kirby.
Jan 16th
Eurasian Bittern-TA Coward reedbed-Marbury Country Park
Jan 16th
Eurasian Bittern-TA Coward reedbed-Marbury Country Park
Greater Scaup-1st-winter drake still on River Weaver-Frodsham Marshes
Western cattle Egret-In sheep field-Marbury Big Mere
Firecrest-Still in trees just south of Hale Park-Hale
8 Snow Bunting on embankment - Leasowe Lighthouse.
34 Shoveler on flood by Pasture Road - Moreton.
2 Rock Pipit - West Kirby Marsh.
Grey male Hen Harrier and 500+ Pintail - Heswall Marsh.
34 Shoveler on flood by Pasture Road - Moreton.
2 Rock Pipit - West Kirby Marsh.
Grey male Hen Harrier and 500+ Pintail - Heswall Marsh.
Hen Harrier
15,500 Knot and 4,800 Dunlin on flood tide - Hilbre.
Bittern flew into roost - Neston Reedbed.
Jan 15th
Bittern flew into roost and a grey male Hen Harrier - Neston Reedbed.
1,700 Wigeon,320 Pintail,150 Teal,2 Goosander,70 Brent Geese,4,500 Oystercatcher,1,000 Dunlin,1,000 Knot,7 Grey Plover,3 Golden Plover,600 Lapwing,Greenshank and 14 Snipe - Point of Ayr.
12 Golden Plover,200 Curlew and 1,800 Black-tailed Godwit - Warren Farm, Talacre.
Greenshank - Heswall Shore.
Jan 15th
Bittern flew into roost and a grey male Hen Harrier - Neston Reedbed.
1,700 Wigeon,320 Pintail,150 Teal,2 Goosander,70 Brent Geese,4,500 Oystercatcher,1,000 Dunlin,1,000 Knot,7 Grey Plover,3 Golden Plover,600 Lapwing,Greenshank and 14 Snipe - Point of Ayr.
12 Golden Plover,200 Curlew and 1,800 Black-tailed Godwit - Warren Farm, Talacre.
Greenshank - Heswall Shore.
Jan 14th
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still in private garden-Widnes
Goldeneye,14 Red-breasted Merganser and 12 Goosander-West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Goosander on pond-Meols Station.
Grey male Hen Harrier and 2 Great Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Barn Owl - Burton Point.
21,000 Knot,6,500 Dunlin and 430 Grey Plover flew past Hilbre into estuary from Hoylake on ebbing tide.
Grey male Hen Harrier and 2 Great Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Barn Owl - Burton Point.
21,000 Knot,6,500 Dunlin and 430 Grey Plover flew past Hilbre into estuary from Hoylake on ebbing tide.
Jan 13th
2 Western Cattle Egret and a Great White Egret-Marbury Big Mere
Dusky warbler-Again briefly in waterside scrub on south side west of watersports centre-Astbury Mere-Congleton
2 Raven,19 Lapwing,25 Oystercatcher,8 Canada Geese,12 Shoveler and 2 Mistle Thrush early morning - Kerr’s Field, Leasowe.
Jan 12th
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Eurasian Bittern-Marbury Contry Park
3 Goldeneye and 13 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Greenshank on groyne - Meols.
Greenshank on groyne - Meols.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
5 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Long-tailed Duck and 2 Red-throated Diver with several hundred Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
3 Purple Sandpiper,4 Red-throated Diver,280 Brent Geese and c3,200 Common Scoter - Hilbre.
Short-eared Owl flying high,Bittern and 4 Marsh Harrier late afternoon - Neston Reedbed.
5 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Long-tailed Duck and 2 Red-throated Diver with several hundred Common Scoter off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
3 Purple Sandpiper,4 Red-throated Diver,280 Brent Geese and c3,200 Common Scoter - Hilbre.
Short-eared Owl flying high,Bittern and 4 Marsh Harrier late afternoon - Neston Reedbed.
Jan 11th
Little Stint-Burton RSPB
Eurasian Bittern-2 still in Coward Reedbed-Marbury Country Park
White-fronted Goose (Russian race) and 3 Barnacle Geese with Pink-footed Geese at Burton Point.
Jan 10th
Eurasian Bittern-Still in Coward Reedbed-Marbury Country Park
Greater Scaup-Bar Mere
36 Shoveler on flood by Pasture Road - Moreton.
4 Goldeneye - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Jan 9th
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
4 Goldeneye - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Jan 9th
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Smew-Redhead-South east corner-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Yellow Browed Warbler-Again with mixed tit flock-Bidston Hill
Greater Scaup-Drake on the River Weaver-Frodsham
Hen Harrier-Male flew over Oldfield Lane towards Newton-Saugall Massie
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still in private garden-Widnes
Possible Black Scoter,2 Velvet Scoter,Long-tailed Duck (drake) and 2 Great Northern Diver off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
7 Snow Bunting which flew towards Red rocks about 9.30am - Hoylake Shore.
Peregrine,Little Owl and a Bullfinch - Burton Point.
Grey male Hen Harrier over Hoylake Langfields heading towards Newton.
2 Green Sandpiper,Merlin,4 Marsh Harrier,4 Great Egret and 3 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Marsh.
Barn Owl showing well at dusk - Station Road, Neston.
1,218 Cormorant flew out of the estuary,Eider (fem),335 Grey Plover,75 Ringed Plover,8 Purple Sandpiper,270 Brent Geese(1 dark-bellied) and 3 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
Peregrine,Little Owl and a Bullfinch - Burton Point.
Grey male Hen Harrier over Hoylake Langfields heading towards Newton.
2 Green Sandpiper,Merlin,4 Marsh Harrier,4 Great Egret and 3 Cetti's Warbler - Burton Marsh.
Barn Owl showing well at dusk - Station Road, Neston.
1,218 Cormorant flew out of the estuary,Eider (fem),335 Grey Plover,75 Ringed Plover,8 Purple Sandpiper,270 Brent Geese(1 dark-bellied) and 3 Rock Pipit - Hilbre.
Jan 8th
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still in private garden-Widnes
Velvet Scoter with hundreds of Common Scoters off East Hoyle Bank - Hoylake.
33 Shoveler on flood by Pasture Road - Moreton.
Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Female Eider off north end - Hilbre.
Mediterranean Gull-Derby pool- Wallasey Shore.
4 Goldeneye and 16 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Female Eider off north end - Hilbre.
Mediterranean Gull-Derby pool- Wallasey Shore.
4 Goldeneye and 16 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
C 100 Golden Plover with Lapwing-In field-Strawberry Moon cafe-Thurstaston
Eurasian Bittern-TA coward reserve-Northwich
Jan 7th
Black Redstart-Green Street-Sandbach
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-In private garden-Widnes
Firecrest-In trees just south of Hale Park-Hale
Smew-Adult female-Newchurch Common
Eurasian Bittern-TA Coward Reserve-Northwich
Lapland Bunting on Middle Eye early morning but not re-located.
Jan 6th
Jan 6th
Smew-Adult female-Newchurch Common
3 Eurasian Bittern-TA Coward Reserve-Northwich
Black Redstart-Still on Welles Street-Sandbach
8 Snow Bunting flushed by photographer (PLEASE KEEP A SENSIBLE DISTANCE FROM THEM) - Hoylake Shore.
2 Bewick's Swan came into roost this evening, also a Little Stint and Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Bittern flew into roost at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
2 Whooper Swan - Burton Marsh.
2 Whooper Swan flew east, 1 Mediterranean Gull on groyne - Meols.
Jan 5th
2 Bewick's Swan came into roost this evening, also a Little Stint and Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Bittern flew into roost at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
2 Whooper Swan - Burton Marsh.
2 Whooper Swan flew east, 1 Mediterranean Gull on groyne - Meols.
Jan 5th
Black Redstart-Green Street-Sandbach
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-In private garden-Widnes
Whooper Swan-Adult still showing well on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
3 Goldeneye and 5 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Bewick's Swan and a Great White Egret - Shotwick Fields.
2 Little Owl and Green Woodpecker - Burton Point.
22 Shoveler on flood by Pasture Road, Moreton.
10 Brent Geese on embankment - Leasowe Lighthouse.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
2 Little Owl and Green Woodpecker - Burton Point.
22 Shoveler on flood by Pasture Road, Moreton.
10 Brent Geese on embankment - Leasowe Lighthouse.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
2 Bewick's Swan-Puddington
Firecrest in trees just south of Hale Park-C53.332,-2.800-Hale
Jan 4th
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
3 Goldeneye this morning but flew off towards Hoylake, and a Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Eurasian Bittern-Still in T A Coward Reedbed-Northwich
Black Redstart- In Welles Street/Green Street-Sandbach
Firecrest in trees just south of Hale Park-C53.332,-2.800-Hale
Jan 3rd
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Siberian Lesser Whitethroat-Probable still in private garden-Widnes
Siberian Chiffchaff-Along gully-Frodsham Marshes
3 Eurasian Bittern-Coward Reedbed-Marbury Country Park-Northwich
8 Snow Bunting this morning,3 Velvet Scoter off shore - Hoylake Shore.
Snow Bunting
4 Whooper Swan - Burton Marsh.
Cattle Egret with Little Egrets along Puddington Lane.
7 Purple Sandpiper and 80+ Turnstone - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Cattle Egret with Little Egrets along Puddington Lane.
7 Purple Sandpiper and 80+ Turnstone - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Purple Sandpiper
Bittern flew into roost at dusk - Neston Reedbed.
Jan 2nd
Firecrest-In trees just south of Hale Park-Hale
Jan 2nd
Firecrest-In trees just south of Hale Park-Hale
Whooper Swan-Adult still showing well on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Yellow Legged Gull-Adult briefly at Mere Farm Quarry-Chelford
Western Cattle Egret-Still opposite pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince
2 Eider (m&f) - Hilbre.
8 Snow Bunting this morning, 3 Velvet Scoter off shore - Hoylake Shore.
4 Goosander (2 drakes) on pond by Station - Meols.
Water Pipit by path with Meadow Pipits,2 Grey male Hen Harrier,Marsh Harrier and a Chiffchaff - Neston Marsh.
Kingfisher,Water Rail,3 Golden Plover and 20 Siskin - Burton Mere Wetlands.
7+ Chiffchaff around Heswall Sewage Works (Target Road).
Jan 1st
Dusky Warbler-Still along waters edge by steps on east side and Water Rail-Astbury Country Park-Congleton
4 Goosander (2 drakes) on pond by Station - Meols.
Water Pipit by path with Meadow Pipits,2 Grey male Hen Harrier,Marsh Harrier and a Chiffchaff - Neston Marsh.
Kingfisher,Water Rail,3 Golden Plover and 20 Siskin - Burton Mere Wetlands.
7+ Chiffchaff around Heswall Sewage Works (Target Road).
Jan 1st
Dusky Warbler-Still along waters edge by steps on east side and Water Rail-Astbury Country Park-Congleton
Dusky Warbler
Water Rail
Whooper Swan-14 flew west towards Capesthorne-Redes Mere
2 Eurasian Bittern-Marbury Country Park
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Western Cattle Egret-Still opposite pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince
Western Cattle Egret-By footpath between here and Landican-Thingwall
Water Pipit-Still at Carr Lane pools-Hale
Lesser Whitethroat-Still attending feeders in a private garden-Widnes
Great White Egret-Frodsham Marshes
8 Snow Bunting this morning but likely to get very busy on the beach - Hoylake Shore.
Snow Bunting
2 Eider (m&f) and 15,500 Knot - Hilbre.
7 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
2 Goosander on pond by Station - Meols.
Barn Owl showing well and 2 Little Owl,Marsh Harrier,39 Golden Plover and a Cetti's Warbler (heard) on the marsh - Burton Point.
Gannet and 1,000+ Common Scoter off Hoylake.
Bittern flew into roost at Neston ReedBed.
7 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.
2 Goosander on pond by Station - Meols.
Barn Owl showing well and 2 Little Owl,Marsh Harrier,39 Golden Plover and a Cetti's Warbler (heard) on the marsh - Burton Point.
Gannet and 1,000+ Common Scoter off Hoylake.
Bittern flew into roost at Neston ReedBed.
Dec 31st
4 Great White Egret-Frodsham Score
Eurasian Bittern-Marbury Country Park
Waxwing-Reported at Riverside Park-Macclesfield
Water Pipit,2 Great White Egret and a Jack Snipe-Hale
Garganey-Drake at confluence of River Weaver and Manchester Ship Canal-Frodsham Marshes
Whooper Swan-Adult still showing well on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
Western Cattle Egret-One flew over River Bollin-Prestbury
8 Snow Bunting-Near old toilet block-Hoylake
Whooper Swan-Adult still showing well on Trent & Mersey Canal between Cledford Lane bridge and The Kings Lock Inn-Middlewich
Dec 30th
2 Great White Egret-Frodsham Marshes
2 Eurasian Bittern-T A Coward Reserve-Budworth Mere-Northwich and Firecrest-Woodland hide
Hen Harrier-Ringtail and Great White Egret-Bickerley Hall Farm
Dusky warbler-Still along waters edge by steps on east side-Astbury Country Park-Congleton
Smew-Redhead-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
8 Snow Bunting - Hoylake Shore.
Snow Bunting
Dec 29th
Western Cattle Egret-Ince Marshes
Eurasian Bittern-T A Coward Reserve-Budworth Mere-Northwich
Velvet Scoter,12 Purple Sandpiper,Jack Snipe,1,270 Cormorant,240 Curlew,6,800 Dunlin,12,800 Knot and 485 Grey Plover - Hilbre.
Purple Sandpiper
Possible Storm Petrel seen at 4pm,also 9 Goosander and 7 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
8 Snow Bunting on embankment west of Leasowe Lighthouse.
8 Snow Bunting late afternoon - Hoylake Shore.
Mediterranean Gull and a Goosander - Meols/Leasowe.
1,100 Pink-footed Geese in field off Station Road, Thurstaston.
Bittern flew into Neston Reedbed at dusk.
28 Shoveler on flood off Pasture Road, Moreton.
Dec 28th
8 Snow Bunting on embankment west of Leasowe Lighthouse.
8 Snow Bunting late afternoon - Hoylake Shore.
Mediterranean Gull and a Goosander - Meols/Leasowe.
1,100 Pink-footed Geese in field off Station Road, Thurstaston.
Bittern flew into Neston Reedbed at dusk.
28 Shoveler on flood off Pasture Road, Moreton.
Dec 28th
Eurasian Bittern-T A Coward Reserve-Budworth Mere-Northwich and Firecrest-Woodland hide
Jack Snipe and Water Pipit-Hale
Great White Egret-Flew over-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Dusky warbler-Still along waters edge by steps on east side-Astbury Country Park-Congleton
4 Snow Bunting on sea defence by green hut - Leasowe.
4 Snow Bunting - Red Rocks.
Above this morning,this afternoon 8 Snow Bunting by Leasowe Lighthouse.
420 Cormorant on edge of East Hoyle Bank after high tide, Kingfisher on groyne - Meols.
12 Purple Sandpiper,8,000 Oystercatcher,8,000 Knot and 210 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
White-fronted Goose (Russian race) in field with 2,500 Pink-footed Geese - Puddington.
2 Short-eared Owl at dusk - Denhall Quay.
Grey male Hen Harrier and Great Egret - Decca Pools.
Green Sandpiper,Peregrine,50+ siskin and 3 Stonechat - Shotwick Boating Lake.
Merlin,3 Marsh Harrier and 4 Great Egret - Parkgate.
2 Goosander (m&f) - Gilroy Duck Pond, West Kirby.
Dec 27th
Above this morning,this afternoon 8 Snow Bunting by Leasowe Lighthouse.
420 Cormorant on edge of East Hoyle Bank after high tide, Kingfisher on groyne - Meols.
12 Purple Sandpiper,8,000 Oystercatcher,8,000 Knot and 210 Brent Geese - Hilbre.
White-fronted Goose (Russian race) in field with 2,500 Pink-footed Geese - Puddington.
2 Short-eared Owl at dusk - Denhall Quay.
Grey male Hen Harrier and Great Egret - Decca Pools.
Green Sandpiper,Peregrine,50+ siskin and 3 Stonechat - Shotwick Boating Lake.
Merlin,3 Marsh Harrier and 4 Great Egret - Parkgate.
2 Goosander (m&f) - Gilroy Duck Pond, West Kirby.
Dec 27th
Eurasian Bittern-T A Coward Reserve-Budworth Mere-Northwich and Firecrest-Woodland hide
Great White Egret-Hale
Lesser Whitethroat-Again on feeders in a private garden-Widnes
5 Great White Egret-Frodsham Marshes
Smew-Of Unknown Origin-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Smew-Redhead-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
17 Shoveler on flood next to Pasture Road, Moreton.
4 Snow Bunting between Dove Point, Meols and Leasowe Castle.
3 Goosander on pond by Station - Meols.
4 Snow Bunting at 2.30pm when 4 still at Leasowe - Little Eye.
Grey male Hen Harrier,2 Marsh Harrier and a Peregrine (on post) - Heswall Marsh.
Grey male Hen Harrier,8 Great Egret,2 Raven and 4 Marsh Harrier this afternoon - Parkgate.
4 Snow Bunting at 1pm (same ones as Little Eye??) - Red Rocks.
c250 Brent Geese (including dark-bellied),12,000 Knot,11,500 Dunlin,340 Grey Plover,130 Ringed Plover,6,000 Oystercatcher and 120 Turnstone - Hilbre.
Dec 26th
3 Goosander on pond by Station - Meols.
4 Snow Bunting at 2.30pm when 4 still at Leasowe - Little Eye.
Grey male Hen Harrier,2 Marsh Harrier and a Peregrine (on post) - Heswall Marsh.
Grey male Hen Harrier,8 Great Egret,2 Raven and 4 Marsh Harrier this afternoon - Parkgate.
4 Snow Bunting at 1pm (same ones as Little Eye??) - Red Rocks.
c250 Brent Geese (including dark-bellied),12,000 Knot,11,500 Dunlin,340 Grey Plover,130 Ringed Plover,6,000 Oystercatcher and 120 Turnstone - Hilbre.
Dec 26th
3 Great White Egret-Frodsham Score
3 Western Cattle Egret-Still opposite pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes
Yellow Legged Gull and Great White Egret-Pickerings Pasture
Redhead Smew-Still in south-west corner-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Dusky Warbler-Again along waters edge by steps on east side-Astbury Country Park-Congleton
Eurasian Bittern-T A Coward Reserve-Budworth Mere-Northwich and Firecrest-Woodland hide
Goldeneye,7 Red-breasted Merganser and 10 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.
4 Snow Bunting - Little Eye.
Snow Bunting on sea wall 100m east of Dove Point, Meols.
Grey male Hen Harrier - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
35 Bar-tailed Godwit,50+ Grey Plover,4,500 Dunlin,3,000 Knot,75 Ringed Plover,5 Golden Plover,13 Purple Sandpiper and a Rock Pipit early morning - Hilbre.
Dec 25th
Rock Pipit,4 Purple Sandpiper and 500+ Common Scoter - Hilbre.
1450 Pink-footed Geese flew inland,1920 Pintail,585 Teal,430 Lapwing,82 Golden Plover,6500 Oystercatcher,4000 Dunlin,3000 Knot,960 Curlew,162 Black-tailed Godwit,85 Bar-tailed Godwit,990 Redshank,2 Greenshank - Heswall/Thurstaston over high tide.
2 Great Egret - Parkgate.
2 Goosander on pond by Station - Meols.
Dec 24th
1450 Pink-footed Geese flew inland,1920 Pintail,585 Teal,430 Lapwing,82 Golden Plover,6500 Oystercatcher,4000 Dunlin,3000 Knot,960 Curlew,162 Black-tailed Godwit,85 Bar-tailed Godwit,990 Redshank,2 Greenshank - Heswall/Thurstaston over high tide.
2 Great Egret - Parkgate.
2 Goosander on pond by Station - Meols.
Dec 24th
Western Cattle Egret-Still opposite pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes
Great White Egret-Frodsham Marshes
Firecrest-Female still in yew trees by Woodland Hide although mobile-Northwich
Lesser Whitethroat-still attending feeders in a private garden-Widnes
Smew-Adult female still on Big Pool-Newchurch Common
Western Cattle Egret-Flew west as viewed distantly from Hale Shore-Frodsham Marshes
3 Great White Egret,Jack Snipe and 2 Yellow Legged Gulls (adult and 1st-winter)-Hale
2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail),Marsh Harrier and 2 Great Egret - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
7 Goosander,Red-breasted Merganser and a drake Goldeneye - West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Great Egret - Burton Marsh.
2 Great Egret - Burton Marsh.
Dec 23rd
Redhead Smew-Still in south-west corner-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Eurasian Bittern-Budworth Mere-Northwich
Dusky Warbler-Still in waterside reeds in north-west corner-Astbury Mere
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall pool-Chelford
Firecrest-Woodland hide-In Yews-Marbury Country Park
Dec 22nd
2 Eurasian Bittern and Firecrest-woodland hide-Budworth Mere-Northwich
Western Cattle Egret-Gilroy Nature Park
Great white Egret-Hale
Dusky Warbler-Astbury Country Park
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall pool-Chelford
Bittern flew into Neston Reed Bed at dusk.
Little Stint,Kingfisher,Great White Egret,Spotted Redshank and a Bearded Tit heard - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Cattle Egret on flooded field - Hoylake Langfields.
3 Hen Harrier (2 grey males) - Parkgate.
20+ Common Snipe and 16 Shoveler in flooded field by Pasture Road - Moreton.
Mediterranean Gull and a Peregrine - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Cattle Egret on flooded field - Hoylake Langfields.
3 Hen Harrier (2 grey males) - Parkgate.
20+ Common Snipe and 16 Shoveler in flooded field by Pasture Road - Moreton.
Mediterranean Gull and a Peregrine - Leasowe Lighthouse.
Dec 21st
Dusky Warbler-Showing on and off in waterside reeds in north-west corner-Astbury Country Park-Congleton
Redhead Smew and Golden Pheasant-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
Yellow-legged Gull (sub-adult),drake Goldeneye,2 Red-breasted Merganser and 41 Brent Geese, 1 Peregrine over - West Kirby Marine Lake.
2 Goosander on pond - Meols Station.
Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Dec 20th
Siberian Chiffchaff-Probable at sewage works-Glazebury
Western Cattle Egret-Four still opposite pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes
2 Eurasian Bittern and Firecrest-Marbury Country Park
Dusky Warbler-In pines by waterside at Astbury Watersports Centre-Astbury Country Park-Congleton
Dusky Warbler
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
18 Shoveler,35 Mallard,3 Teal,Snipe and 3 Water Rail on flood shore end of Pasture Road, Moreton.
Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Purple Sandpiper,650 Common Scoter,30 Grey Plover and 820 Cormorant - Hilbre.
2 Goosander (pair) - Gilroy duck pond, West Kirby.
Dec 19th
Western Cattle Egret-Four still opposite pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes
2 Eurasian Bittern and Firecrest-Marbury Country Park
Great White Egret-Frodsham Marshes
Jack Snipe-Woolston Eyes
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
500+ Pink-footed Geese in fields next to Wirral Way, Thurstaston.
Hen Harrier (grey male) flew past Target Road to Heswall Fields.
Little Stint - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Hen Harrier (grey males or same one seen twice!),4 Marsh Harrier and a Merlin - Parkgate.
Dec 18th
2 Eurasian Bittern and Firecrest-Marbury Country Park
9 Red-breasted Merganser - West Kirby Marine Lake.
Dec 17th
Great White Egret-Seven over high tide-Frodsham Marshes
Western Cattle Egret-2 still opposite pig field by Kinsey's Lane and Great White Egret-Flew south-Ince Marshes
Little Stint-Pickerings Pasture
Smew-Of unknown origin-Newchurch Common
Firecrest-Marbury Country Park
Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
8 Purple Sandpiper,24 Dunlin,414 Turnstone and 440 Redshank - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Greenshank,24 Shoveler and 30 Mallard on flood by Pasture Road - Moreton.
Little Stint and 2 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Hen Harrier (grey males) - Parkgate.
230 Pale-bellied Brent Geese,400 Wigeon,970 Pintail,11 Red-breasted Merganser,1200 Oystercatcher,350 Curlew,500 Redshank,22 Little Egret,3 Great Egret,ringtail Hen Harrier over high tide - Riverbank Road, Heswall.
Dec 16th
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker,2 Eurasian Bittern and Firecrest-Marbury Country Park
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Little Stint,9 Spotted Redshank,Merlin and a Kingfisher - Burton Mere Wetlands.
11 Great Egret - Neston/Burton Marsh.
2 Hen Harrier (grey males) and 3 Marsh Harrier - Parkgate.
Dec 15th
Caspian Gull-2 adults in flooded fields adjacent to landfill site; also 2 adult Yellow Legged Gull-Gowy Meadows
Black Redstart-Male still on roof at Booths Hall business park-Knutsford
Firecrest-Female again in yew tree from Woodland Hide-Marbury Country Park
Smew-Redhead-Lapwing Hall Pool-Chelford
7 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon - New Brighton Marine Lake.
Little Stint,9 Spotted Redshank,7 Ruff and 1,150 Black-tailed godwit - Burton Mere Wetlands.
6+ Marsh Harrier and 4 Hen Harrier (2 ringtail and 2 grey male) - Parkgate.
1,800 Pintail - Thurstaston Shore.
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