Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites



18th December 2024


Baikal Teal-Greylake RSPB-Somerset

Baikal Teal

                                                         Cheshire & Wirral

4 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon at high tide - New Brighton Marine Lake.

11 Whooper Swan and Western Cattle Egret - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Parkgate.

Yellow Browed Warbler-One along footpath between Health Shield and HSE buildings, Crewe Business Park-Yesterday afternoon

Western Cattle Egret-16 still in field by Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes

17th December 2024


Baikal Teal-Greylake RSPB-Somerset

Baikal Teal

American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Cheshire & Wirral

8,000 Knot roosting at first light, Peregrine(s) visited several times and down to 1,000 Knot by the time the tide arrived - Dove Point, Meols.

Eurasian Penduline Tit-1st-winter again by viewing platform on No 4 Bed though mobile and elusive; keep to paths at all times, wellingtons essential-Woolston Eyes-Permit Only

Caspian Gull-1st-winter at WSR Recycling Centre, Ditton Road-Widnes

Greater White Fronted Goose-14 again at dusk-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

2 Water Pipit-Neston Marsh

Hawfinch-Two still near Old Hall-Marbury Country Park

Western Cattle Egret-21 still in field by Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes



When it comes to the UK’s birdlife, BTO has been at the forefront of monitoring population trends for almost a century. Thanks to the tireless contributions of thousands of dedicated, active volunteers from across the UK countries, working alongside BTO scientists and partner organisations, we have a sound understanding of how our wild birds are faring in the modern world More Here>


The latest British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) report has been published in the December 2024 issue of British Birds, detailing nine firsts for Britain alongside a host of other eye-catching decisions More Here>


I visited East Chevington today because my friend Owen Parsons needed to see a Grey-Headed Lapwing and asked if I would like to join him, as he had missed the bird earlier in 2023.

Recently, back-to-back storm systems arrived off the Atlantic Ocean, with the particularly fierce Storm Darragh bringing widespread red and amber warnings to southern and western areas of Britain and Ireland. Unexpectedly, a Grey-Headed Lapwing was discovered at East Chevington, Northumberland, on December 5-6. The bird made two brief morning appearances among the site's Northern Lapwing flock. It's tempting to speculate that this could be last year's adult, which was added to the British list as recently as August, returning to the county of its initial discovery. This might also explain the sighting of a bird photographed over Le Plan de la Garde, France. It’s not a bird anyone would have expected to see again anytime soon, especially not in early winter—assuming, of course, that this is indeed the same bird last seen on North Uist (Western Isles) on May 29, 2023.

We arrived on site at first light and headed straight to a ploughed field to the south, where the bird had been regularly seen. After a thorough scan of the field, we discovered the bird wasn’t present, so we spent the rest of the day exploring the surrounding areas.

East Chevington Nature Reserve

We conducted a seawatch while on site and were rewarded with good views of Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter, two Surf Scoters, and a Black-throated Diver.

Surf Scoter

Other notable birds included:

Russian White Fronted Goose


We waited at the reserve until dusk, but there was no sign of the Grey-Headed Lapwing. Owen was disappointed, but I'm sure it will be spotted again soon.





16th December 2024


Baikal Teal-Greylake RSPB-Somerset

Baikal Teal

Cheshire & Wirral

Hawfinch-Four at Old Hall above hide overlooking Coward Reedbed-Marbury Country Park


Russian White Fronted Goose-Adult on No 3 Bed from John Morgan Hide then flew towards Woolston Weir-Woolston Eyes

Spotted Redshank-Burton RSPB

Little Stint-Still on beach ENE of lifeboat station-Hoylake

Hawfinch-Four again near near Old Hall-Marbury Country Park

15th December 2024


Grey-Headed Lapwing-Adult still in field south-west of North Pool -East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Baikal Teal-Greylake RSPB-Somerset

Baikal Teal

Purple Gallinule-Unconfirmed report of one on grass at high tide-Skern-Northam Burrows Country Park

                                                           Cheshire & Wirral

Little Stint east of Lifeboat Station at high tide - Hoylake.

Hawfinch-Four at Old Hall above hide overlooking Coward Reedbed and Female Common Scoter-Budworth Mere-Marbury Country Park

                                                                 Common Scoter

Ruddy Shelduck-One on River Mersey-Wigg Island

Greater White Fronted Goose-14 again late morning then flew south-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Western Cattle Egret-19 still in field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marsh

Hen Harrier-Three (one male) from Old Baths late afternoon-Parkgate

14th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Grey-Headed Lapwing-Adult still in field south-west of North Pool -East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Baikal Teal-Greylake RSPB-Somerset

Baikal Teal

Purple Gallinule-Unconfirmed report of one on grass at high tide-Skern-Northam Burrows Country Park

                                                            Cheshire & Wirral

Little Stint east of Lifeboat Station at high tide - Hoylake.

Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 1 Peregrine - Parkgate.

2 Hen Harrier and Barn Owl -  Burton Mere Wetlands.

Barn Owl

Hawfinch-Two at Old Hall above hide overlooking Coward Reedbed-Marbury Country Park

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Eurasian Penduline Tit-1st-winter again by viewing platform on No 4 Bed though mobile and elusive; keep to paths at all times, wellingtons essential-Permit ONLY-Woolston Eyes

13th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Grey-Headed Lapwing-Adult still in field south-west of North Pool -East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Baikal Teal-Greylake RSPB-Somerset

Baikal Teal

                                                       Cheshire & Wirral

Hen Harrier (grey male) sitting on fence post behind Decca Pools.

Goldeneye (drake), 1 Red-breasted Merganser and 8 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.

20,000+ Knot south of Tanskey Rocks at low tide - West Kirby Shore.

Eurasian Bittern-One in Coward Reedbed at west end of Budworth Mere-Northwich

Hawfinch-One feeding on the groud-Marbury Country Park

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

12th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Grey-Headed Lapwing-Adult still at North Pool from north-facing hide then flew south-East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Baikal Teal-Greylake RSPB-Somerset

Baikal Teal

                                                            Cheshire & Wirral

Hawfinch-One along oak avenue-Marbury Country Park

Hawfinch-One still at Westrees,Delamere Park-Cuddington

Eurasian Penduline Tit-1st-winter again on No 4 Bed briefly mid-morning but no further sign 

Western Cattle Egret-16 still in field by Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes

Hen Harrier-Ringtail and Short Eared Owl-Burton RSPB

11th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Cheshire & Wirral

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Russian White Fronted Goose
(C)Paul Ralston

Hawfinch-One again at the Coppice-Cuddington

10th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Grey-Headed Lapwing-East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Cheshire & Wirral

Caspian Gull-1st-winter at WSR Recycling Centre, Ditton Road-Widnes

Hawfinch-Again near Old Hall-Marbury Country Park

Green Winged Teal-Drake again at Rosemary's Flood-Sandbach Flashes

9th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Grey-Headed Lapwing-East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Cheshire & Wirral

Hawfinch-Again near Old Hall-Marbury Country Park

Green Winged Teal-Drake again at Rosemary's Flood-Sandbach Flashes

8th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Grey-Headed Lapwing-Again briefly on North Pool then flew south-west-East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey-Headed Lapwing

Cheshire & Wirral

Common Scoter-Four female-types from turning area at Lapwing Lane-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Common Scoter-Female-Astbury Mere

8th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Cheshire & Wirral

Common Scoter-Female-Astbury Mere

6 Western Cattle Egret-In field by Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Water Pipit-One at Carr Lane Pools viewed from Town Lane-Hale

7th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Cheshire & Wirral

Little Gull-1st-winter flew out of Mersey River mouth this afternoon-New Brighton

Common Scoter-Female-Astbury Mere

6th December 2024


Grey-Headed Lapwing-East Chevington-Northumberland

Grey Headed Lapwing

American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Cheshire & Wirral

Little Stint off Sandhey Slipway and 6,000 Knot roosting off Dove Point - Meols.

3 Spotted Redshank - Burton Mere Wetlands.

Hawfinch-One again at the Coppice-Cuddington

Hawfinch-Again near Old Hall-Marbury Country Park

19 Western Cattle Egret-In field by Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Hen harrier-Juvenile male again flew south-east over No 1 Bed (no public access)-Woolston Eyes

5th December 2024


Grey-Headed Lapwing-disturbed by Western Marsh Harrier mand flew off from islands on 
North Pool and no further sign by evening-East Chevington

American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Cheshire & Wirral

Hawfinch-One again at Delamere Park at Westrees-Cuddington

3 Hawfinch-Again in trees behind Bittern hide-Marbury Country Park

Common Scoter-Astbury Mere

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Green Winged Teal-Drake again at Rosemary's Flood-Sandbach Flashes

4th December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Cheshire & Wirral

Firecrest-One trapped and ringed at No 1 Bed (no public access)-Woolston Eyes

3 Hawfinch-Again in trees behind Bittern hide-Marbury Country Park

Common Scoter-Astbury Mere

Greenland White Fronted Goose-15 at south end-Acre nook sand quarry

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Green Winged Teal-Drake again at Rosemary's Flood-Sandbach Flashes

3rd December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

American Coot

Cheshire & Wirral

2 Barn Owl (rare on the island!), 6 Eider, 23 Red-throated Diver, 4,000 Knot and 6,000 Dunlin (waders on East Hoyle Bank) - Hilbre.

2 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon - New Brighton Marine Lake.

Bittern went into roost at Old Baths, also 4 Great White Egret, 2 Hen Harrier (ringtails),10 Marsh Harrier  and a Water Rail. - Parkgate.

Marsh Harrier

Little Stint east of Lifeboat Station - Hoylake Shore.

2 Purple Sandpiper on pontoon - New Brighton Marine Lake.

3 Hawfinch-Again in trees by swimming pool-Marbury Country Park

(C)Greg Baker

Hawfinch-One again
 at Delamere Park at Westrees-Cuddington

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

22 Western Cattle Egret-In field by Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes

Western Cattle Egret-one in flight by Rosemary's Flood-Sandbach Flashes

Common Scoter-Astbury Mere

2nd December 2024


American Coot-Loch Of Spiggie-Shetland

Cheshire & Wirral

Hawfinch-Again in trees by swimming pool-Marbury Country Park

Common Scoter-Astbury Mere

20 Western Cattle Egret-In field by Marsh Lane-Ince Marshes

Hen Harrier-Ringtail-Burton RSPB

1st December 2024

Cheshire & Wirral

8,000 Knot on ebbing tide - Meols Shore.

6,000 Common Scoter - Hilbre.

2 Hen Harrier (grey male and ringtail),Merlin,Peregrine,4 Greenshank (Boathouse Flash) and 40 Common Snip over the marsh - Parkgate.

Hen Harrier

Short-eared Owl flew out from bushes and landed on marsh - Riverbank Road, Heswall.

Little Stint - Hoylake Shore.

Siberian Chiffchaff and 8+ Chiffchaff by Target Road sewage works - Heswall.

5 Hawfinch-Again in trees by Budworth Mere-Marbury Country Park

Russian White Fronted Goose-One at Bradley Orchard Farm-Bradley

Russian White Fronted Goose
(C) Paul Ralston

Hawfinch-One again at Delamere Park at Westrees-Cuddington