CAWOS rarity decisions-Recent decisions and evidence to support.
CAWOS rarity decisions-Recent decisions and evidence to support.
I spent this morning walking around the fields between Halewood and Hough green.Good numbers of farmland birds were seen including 2 Corn Bunting,12 Grey Partridge and 10+ Yellowhammer.
A good mornings birding and great to see 2 Corn buntings which showed briefly on the wires and then in a hedgerow.Moving on from here and back over the Mersey I managed to find the gulls feeding around Mollington near Chester, a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull was soon picked up out of the Black headed gulls.
Two more birds that I needed for my 15 mile radius on the list,Corn bunting and Mediterranean gull!#LOCALBIGYEAR
7th Feb
Black Necked grebe and Great White Egret-Acre Nook-Lower Withington
2 Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall pool-Lower Withington
BAIKAL TEAL-Greylake RSPB-Somerset
WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian
WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Halton Marshes-Lincolnshire
Little Stint-Pickerings Pasture
3 Woodcock which flew towards Parkgate - Neston Marsh.
Hen Harrier-Ringtail,2 Avocet on main scrape and 2 Ruddy Shelduck - Burton Mere Wetlands.
2 Glossy Ibis-Morgan Hide scape-Woolston Eyes
3 Western Cattle Egret-Still by marsh lane and 30 Whooper swan-Outer marsh-Ince marshes
Male Hen Harrier-Denhall quay-Little Neston
2 Redhead Smew-Lapwing Hall pool-Lower Withington
Black Necked Grebe,Great White egret and 2 Russian White Fronted Goose-Acre Nook Sand Quarry-Lower Withington
Mega News
WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian
WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Halton Marshes-Lincolnshire
5th Feb
Little Stint and Yellow legged gull-Pickerings pasture
4 Goosander (1 male, 3 redhead) on duck pond - Gilroy Nature Park, West Kirby.
Purple sandpiper-On rocks-Leasowe
Adult Mediteranean Gull-Derby pool-New Brighton
Hen harrier-ParkgateWestern cattle egret-Two still in pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince marshes
BELTED KINGFISHER-Samlesbury-Lancashire
BAIKAL TEAL-Greylake RSPB-Somerset
WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Halton Marshes-Lincolnshire
4th Feb
4 Snow Bunting in sand dunes by Derby Pool but mobile in strong wind - Wallasey Shore.
Snow Bunting-Hoylake Lifeboat station
2 Smew-Redhead-Lapwing Hall Pool-Lower Withington
2 Hen Harrier-Male and Ringtail and ruddy shelduck-Burton RSPB
BELTED KINGFISHER-Samlesbury-Lancashire
BAIKAL TEAL-Greylake RSPB-Somerset
WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Halton Marshes-Lincolnshire
3rd Feb
Snow Goose-Adult white morph flew south over Weaver Bend-Frodsham Marshes
Hen Harrier and Short eared owl-Burton RSPB
2 Avocet,Bittern and Brambling-Marbury Country Park and surrounding area
BELTED KINGFISHER-Samlesbury-Lancashire
BAIKAL TEAL-Greylake RSPB-Somerset
WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Halton Marshes-Lincolnshire
2nd Feb
Snow Goose with Pink-footed Geese on grassland,later flew to Burton Marsh, Marsh Harrier,Whooper Swan and a Mediterranean Gull - Burton Mere Wetlands.
Hen Harrier (sub-adult grey male),6 Marsh Harrier,4 Great Egret,Peregrine, Short-eared Owl and a flyover Snow Bunting,2 Barn Owl at dusk-Old Baths, Parkgate.
3 Short-eared Owl - Denhall Quay.
Snow Bunting by Lifeboat Station - Hoylake.
5 Woodcock at dusk - Burton Village.
47 Mandarin Duck,Black Necked Grebe,2 Russian White Fronted Geese and a Great White Egret-Acre Nook-Lower Withington
Adult Yellow Legged Gull-WSR recycling-Widnes
Little Stint-Pickerings Pasture
Smew-Redhead-Lapwing Hall Pool-Lower Withington
Mediteranean Gull-Budworth Mere-Northwich
BELTED KINGFISHER-Samlesbury-Lancashire
BAIKAL TEAL-Greylake RSPB-Somerset
WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Halton Marshes-Lincolnshire
1st Feb
150 Brambling-Woolston Eyes
Water Rail,2 Jack Snipe,2 Greenshank,950 Reshank and 3 Rock Pipit seen from a windy Target Road at high tide - Heswall Shore.
Snow Goose,Barnacle Goose and 4 Ruddy Shelduck-Main scrape-Burton RSPB
2 Little Stint-Hightide roost-Pickerings Pasture
Snow Bunting-Still on rocks Hoylake Lifeguard station-Hoylake
3 Western Cattle Egret-Still by marsh lane-Ince marshes
BELTED KINGFISHER-Samlesbury-Lancashire
BAIKAL TEAL-Greylake RSPB-Somerset
WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Halton Marshes-Lincolnshire