Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites




Nov 13th

10 Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

2 Short Eared Owl-Off Harp inn-Little Neston

2 Short Eared Owl and 3 Ruddy Shelduck-Burton Marsh

2 Eurasian Spoonbill - Boathouse Flash, Parkgate.

Black-throated Diver off north end then flew SW,370 Cromorant flew out of the estuary,386 Brent Geese, 11,000 Knot and a Rock Pipit at first light - Hilbre.

Female Brambling with finch flock near railway and House Martin - Burton Mere Wetlands.


WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

Nov 12th

Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

3 Short-eared Owl - Neston Marsh.

6 Marsh Harrier,3 Hen Harrier (grey male,2 ringtails),2 Barn Owl,Great Egret and a Water Rail - Parkgate.


WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

Nov 11th
A few hundred Redwings flew SE over Thurstaston Shore and Lower Heswall early morning.

Snow Bunting (Little Eye),468 Brent Geese (2 dark-bellied),2 Rock Pipit and 4 Goosander - Hilbre.

4 Egyptian Geese and 3 Ruddy Shelduck - Burton Marsh.


WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

Nov 10th

4 Short-eared Owl,4 Marsh Harrier,5 Raven,4 Great Egret,5 Whooper Swan,40 Fieldfare,5 Siskin,2 Cetti's Warbler and 2 Stonechat - Burton Point.

25 Shoveler,25 Pintail,Green Sandpiper,2 Spotted Redshank,850 Lapwing,Water Rail and a Ruddy Shelduck on flood - Burton Marsh.

Hen Harrier (grey male),3 Short-eared Owl and a Merlin - Denhall Quay.

2 Barn Owl,Short-eared Owl,7 Marsh Harrier,2 Great Egret and 100 Black-tailed Godwit - Parkgate.
c3 Rock Pipits - Hoylake Shore.

Snow Bunting,6 Purple Sandpiper and 300 Brent Geese - Hilbre.

Another late Swallow, also a Ruddy Shelduck,Spotted Redshank and a Hen Harrier (ringtail) - Burton Mere Wetlands.

2 Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

2 Caspian Gull-1st Winter and 2nd Winter-Hale bank


NUTCRACKER-Dunnet Bay-Caithness

WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

Nov 9th

Juvenile Gannet-Mere Farm Quarry

8 Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

Caspian Gull-2nd Winter-River Mersey-Widnes

Eurasian Bittern-Coward reedbed-Marbury Country Park-Northwich

2 Long-tailed Duck this morning with Scoters off Hoylake.

Snow Bunting,10 Purple Sandpiper,3 Rock Pipit,31 Common Scoter,3 Goldeneye,2 Shag (imms),7 Great Crested Grebe,13 Robin,5 Siskin and 7 Skylark - Hilbre.

2 late Swallows seen along the sea-front - New Brighton/Wallasey.

Eurasian Spoonbill-Boathouse Flash-Parkgate


WHITE CROWNED SPARROW-Sandwick-Unst-Shetland

WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

Nov 8th

2 Short Eared Owls,5 Whooper Swans,6 Goosander and 1000 Pintail-Burton Point

Whooper Swan-Wigg Island-Widnes

Whooper Swan

10 Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

Western Cattle Egret

Purple Sandpiper-Mere Farm Quarry-Chelford-1st Inland record for the County

21 Whooper Swan (5 juvs) with 30 Mute Swan-Outer Burton Marsh.

Whooper Swan

494 Brent Geese (incl 2 dark-bellied) - A Record High! - ,Snow Bunting,280 Curlew,110 Redshank,620 Sanderling,175 Grey Plover, 3,500 Grey Plover,6,000 Knot,8,000 Oystercatcher,3 Rock Pipit and Red-breated Merganser (male) - Hilbre.

Ring Ouzel (late!),30 Siskin and 2 Brambling over,2 Rock Pipit on groyne and a Mediterranean Gull in field by Park Lane - Leasowe Lighthouse.


BELTED KINGFISHER-Brockholes LWT-Lancashire

WHITE CROWNED SPARROW-Sandwick-Unst-Shetland

WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

Nov 7th

Smew-Redhead-Reported on quarry south of Manchester Ship Canal-Moore Nature Reserve

Ruddy Shelduck-Sandbach Flashes

Purple Sandpiper-Mere Farm Quarry-Chelford-1st Inland record for the County

Purple Sandpiper

4 Purple Sandpiper - New Brighton Marine Lake.

Snow Bunting on embankment - Meols.

3 Jack Snipe and 4 common Snipe flushed by tide,2 Stonechat (pair),Rock Pipit and 15 Skylark,Red-throated diver flew into estuary - West Kirby saltmarsh/Red Rocks.

5+ Marsh Harrier,Hen Harrier (ringtail),4 Great Egret and 2 Stonechat (pair) over high tide - Parkgate.

Probable Water Pipit (flyover),Merlin,Peregrine,3 Great Egret,3 Rock Pipit and several hundred Skylarks - Riverbank Road, Heswall.


WHITE CROWNED SPARROW-Sandwick-Unst-Shetland

WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

TIAGA FLYCATCHER-Flamborough Head-East Yorkshire

Nov 6th

10 Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

Purple Sandpiper-Mere Farm Quarry-Chelford

Lots of Redwings and Fieldfares passing through, plus a few Bramblings.

155 Brent Geese,2300 Shelduck,450 Wigeon,73 Little Egret,2 Great Egret,6 Jack Snipe,11 Common Snipe,2 Marsh Harrier,Merlin,350 Skylark,200 Meadow Pipit over high tide - Riverbank Road, Heswall.

Cattle Egret over flooded inland paddocks - Leasowe Lighthouse.

Western Cattle Egret
(C)Steve Williams


WHITE CROWNED SPARROW-Sandwick-Unst-Shetland

WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

TIAGA FLYCATCHER-Flamborough Head-East Yorkshire

Nov 5th

13 Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

Short eared Owl-Over Hale Marsh-Hale

6 Whooper Swan flew north - Leasowe Gunsite.

Snow Bunting on embankment - Meols.

3 Spoonbill,Short-eared Owl and a Hen Harrier plus several Marsh Harriers - Parkgate.

8,000 Dunlin on flooding tide - West Kirby Shore.

2 Purple Sandpiper,9 Turnstone,4 Dunlin and 120+ Redshank on pontoon at high tide - New Brighton Marine Lake.


WHITE CROWNED SPARROW-Sandwick-Unst-Shetland

WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

TIAGA FLYCATCHER-Flamborough Head-East Yorkshire

4th Nov

Whooper Swan-Elton Hall Flash-Sandbach Flashes

Ring Ouzel-One briefly N03 Bed-Woolston Eyes

Several reports of small flocks of Fieldfares arriving at last!

100+ Fieldfare and 250 Redwing - Wirral Country Park, Thurstaston.

60 Fieldfare and 200 Redwing over Column Road, West Kirby.

Snow Bunting on embankment, 200 Black-tailed Godwit in field by Park Lane - Meols.

3 Spoonbill, 2 Hen Harrier (ringtails),6+ Marsh Harrier,Barn Owl and a Peregrine - Parkgate.

Barn Owl
(C)Steve Round

9 Goosander - West Kirby Marine Lake.

287 Brent Geese (1 dark-bellied),292 Curlew,7,500 Oystercatcher,170 Grey Plover,c4,000 Knot,c2,000 Dunlin,Peregrine and 50 Linnet (on Middle Eye) - Hilbre.


TIAGA FLYCATCHER-Flamborough Head-east Yorkshire

-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

3rd Nov

Water Pipit-N06 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

8+ Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

Whooper Swan-Acre Nook Sand Quarry

Greater Scaup-1st Winter-Newchurch Common

20+ Twite before high tide, also 2 Rock Pipit - West Kirby Marsh.

Snow Bunting on embankment and a late Wheatear on the groyne - Meols.

2 Great Egret,3 Spoonbill,Hen Harrier,4+ Marsh Harrier,Barn Owl and 2 Stonechat - Parkgate.

10 Egyptian Geese, 20+ Golden Plover,2 Great Egret,Green Sandpiper,2 Raven and 2 Stonechat - Broken Bank, Burton Marsh.


WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

2nd Nov

8+ Western Cattle Egret-Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes

Eurasian Hobby-Acre Nook sand Quarry

Water Pipit-N06 Tank-Frodsham Marshes

3 Spoonbill,2 Brambling,2 Marsh Harrier,Merlin,Hen Harrier (ringtail) and 5 Whooper Swan flying west - Parkgate.

620 Pink-footed Geese,240 Pintail,2600 Oystercatcher,5000 Knot,4500 Dunlin, 160 Black-tailed Godwit,770 Curlew,1800 Redshank,2 Greenshank - Heswall/Thurstaston Shore.

2 Egyptian Geese,5 Raven,Barn Owl and 30+ Linnet - Burton Marsh.

74 Siskin and 4 Brambling over Leasowe Lighthouse.

600 Shelduck off Red Rocks.

330 Cormorant,280 Brent Geese,415 Shelduck,7,800 Oystercatcher,358 Curlew,310 Grey Plover,4,800 Knot,3,500 Dunlin and a Peregrine on rising tide - Hilbre.

Snow Bunting on embankment - Meols.

Snow Bunting


WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

1st Nov

Snow Bunting on embankment - Meols.

520 Shelduck and 4 Golden Plover - Hilbre.

Western Cattle Egret-Still in pig field by Kinsey's Lane-Ince Marshes


BLYTH'S PIPIT-North Ronaldsay-Orkney

VARIED THRUSH-Papa Westray-Orkney

WHITE TAILED LAPWING-Blacktoft Sands-East Yorkshire

WHITE WINGED SCOTER-Mussleburgh-Lothian

EYEBROWED TRUSH-Kincraig-Highlands-Scotland



After a few hours sleep this morning I awoke to the sound of the MEGA alert 

Holy shit and only an hour up the road.I got dressed,got my stuff together and headed North.After a few phonecalls on the way the bird had been seen by a local fisherman this morning and apparently had flown back down river.
On arrival on site I met up with Chris Batty who had just received a photograph of the bird,gripped off already and no sign of the bird!

I spent the next three hours walking south down the river but there was no sign of the bird!Little Egret,Kingfisher and a Goosander was the best I could do.There were plenty of familiar faces looking but as the light was fading it was time to give up!

This was my third dip for this species having missed the 2005 bird in Staffordshire,arrived the next morning with the masses only to find out the bird was now in East Yorkshire,couldn't go to Scotland as i was going abroad and then in 2008 arrived on St Marys the next day and the bird had done a moonlight flit!Why do I do this to myself.

This was the fifth record for Britain 

2008-Porth Hellick, St Mary’s, 2CY+ male, 18th April-St Mary's-Isles Of Scilly

2005-Tixall, first-summer male,1st April,photo-Staffs;also in East Yorkshire,North-east     
Scotland till 8th April

1979- Sladesbridge, first-winter male,2nd October to June 1980;probably 
same,Boscathnoe Reservoir,Penzance,adult male,23rd to 29th August 1980,photo-Cornwall

1908-River Allen, Sladesbridge, female,shot, November-Cornwall

River Ribble

Anyway fingers crossed the Belted Kingfisher is still in the area and I can get it whapped on!