24th Waxwing-Four at junction of Grammar School Lane and Hinderton Drive-Newton Eurasian Bittern-still in Coward Reedbed at west end of Budworth Mere-Northwich Little Ringed plover-Still in flooded field north of Sow Brook Playing Fields at c 53.3906, -2.4789-Lymm Long Tailed Duck-Off Hoylake shore Waxwing-still just beyond Bridge 176 by Trent and Mersey Canal-Middlewich Adult Glaucous Gull and 3rd Winter Kumlien's Gull-WSR recycling Centre,Ditton road,Widnes 23rd Adult Glaucous Gull and 3rd Winter Kumlien's Gull-WSR recycling Centre,Ditton road,Widnes 2 Bittern- Burton Mere Wetlands 21st 3rd Winter Kumlien's Gull-WSR recycling Centre,Ditton road,Widnes,Bittern-Burton Mere Wetlands 19th Black necked grebe-Woolston eyes,Waxwing -Two still in hedge opposite ironmongery workshop 500m west of Two Mills Waxwing 15 near Crook of Dee then flew south 18th Lesser Scaup-1st-winter female still showing well on Woolston Weir basin (53.3937, -2.5226); view from public footpath over River Mersey-Woolston Eyes Common scoter Budworth mere