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I called in at Dane bower quarry today and was rewarded with 2 Ring ouzels as soon as I got out of the car.

Ring Ouzel
This area in the eastern hills of Cheshire is a regular site for this species and thankfully they return every year to breed at this site.
Dane Bower Quarry
I decided to carry on walking towards Three shires head, 4 Red grouse were seen along with 2 Raven,6 Curlew,Mistle thrush and good numbers of Meadow Pipits.

Red Grouse
Reaching Three shires head on the Axe edge moor where Cheshire,Derbyshire and Staffordshire meet I sat and ate my lunch.
The Packhorse Bridge and River Dane
As I was having my lunch a Grey wagtail was seen on the river before landing on a nearby fence.
Grey Wagtail
After lunch I headed back towards the quarry where I saw 3 Wheatear.
 Leaving Three shires head and walking back towards the quarry
Dane Bower Quarry Chimney
Reaching the car I was shattered after a good hike and just made it back in time before a hail storm.


I picked up Malc curtin this morning for a mornings birding on my old patch,Marbury country park.I parked my car up at Witton mill carpark and headed towards Ashtons flash.We soon got on to a Sedge warbler and 4 Redpoll flying over towards Carey Park but couldn't find the Whitethroat that had been reported around the carpark.
Ashton's Flash
Moving on down Witton brook my first Reed warbler of the year was seen along with 2 flyover Great spotted woodpeckers.
Reaching Haydn's pool there was no sign of the Garganey that were reported last night but a Green Woodpecker was seen at the back of the pool.With no sign of the Garganey we moved back onto the brook and had brief views of the elusive Cetti's warbler but we could't relocate it.
A text of one of the patch regulars had us walking back to Haydn's pool where we connected with the male and female Garganey.

Haydn's Pool
After good views of the birds we moved onto Budworth mere where I found the first Common sandpiper of the year for the patch regulars and a Yellow wagtail was commuting in the back fields behind the mere with 6 Pied wagtails and a White wagtail.
A great mornings birding and I was glad to be back on my old patch I just wish it wasn't so far away from where I live.



I nipped over to Acre nook sand quarry and Lapwing pool on my lunch break this afternoon hoping that a few spring migrants mightn't have dropped in.On arrival at Lapwing pool 12 Goldeneye and 17 Wigeon were on the pool along with 2 Little grebes and 7 Tufted Duck.
12 Goldeneye Had Dropped In On The Pool Before Heading North
It was very quiet around Lapwing Pool so I headed towards Acre Nook.The usual suspects were still around 14 Shelduck,19 Shoveler,8 Teal,34 Lapwing and a Little Ringed Plover.
Little Ringed Plover
As I was birding a Green woodpecker called and flew into a tree next to me.
Green Woodpecker
What a bird never get fed up with seeing these but it only landed briefly and then headed across the quarry. Another good hours birding but still hoping for a few more migrants.



I arrived at Leasowe around 12.30 today for an afternoons birding.I parked up at the lighthouse and soon connected with a Willow warbler in the lighthouse garden.The horse paddocks down Lingham lane held several Blackbird and a Pied Wagtail.There were good numbers of Goldfinch,Linnet and Greenfinch down the lane.Other birds of note were House Sparrow,Dunnock,Great and Blue Tit,Collared Dove and 4 Canada Goose over.
Collared Dove
Reaching the bridge half way down the lane I had 2 Chiffchaff and a male Blackcap skulking around in the alderberry bushes.
A seawatch followed off Leasowe where I connected with Common scoter,Great Crested grebe,Dunlin,Redshank and a single Lapwing flew past the wind farm.
Moving back towards the farm at the end of Park lane the paddocks were again very quiet a Swallow was around the farm and 3 House martins flew east.The fields behind the paddocks held 3 Little egrets and 6 Wheatear and a Reed bunting.
Reed Bunting
3 Little Egrets feeding in the fields
Moving on from Leasowe I called in at Gilroy nature park where a Common sandpiper had been reported.The flooded field next to the path held 2 Black tailed godwits,17 Shelduck,2 Oystercatcher and 4 Snipe
Black Tailed Godwit
Walking down the path I walked around the fishing pool and flushed the Common sandpiper which showed well.A Great crested grebe was also seen.

Common Sandpiper
Great Crested Grebe