Latest British(MEGAS) and Cheshire and Wirral bird sightings

21 Aug 2018


Burton RSPB
Sparrowhawk ByBarn Feeders
Snipe x15+ Main Scrape
Ruff x3 Main Scrape
Barnacle Geese x2 Main Scrape
Ruddy Shelduck Main Scrape
Water Rail Main Scrape
Common Sandpiper X1 Reception Pool
Green Sandpiper Reception Pool
Swallows Over Reception Pool
House Martins Over Reception Pool
Linnet x6 Railway Bridge
Redstart (Juv) Sheep Field Burton Point
Great White Egret x2 Burton Marsh From Point
Pink-F-Geese x2 IMF
Dunlin x10 IMF
Common Sandpiper x2 IMF

2 Juvenile Marsh Harrier,30 Greenshank,4 Juvenile Ruff,Yellow Wagtail over and 56 Dunlin.

Hilbre Island
Bonaparte's Gull,3 Whimbrel,c1,000 Sandwich Tern,10 Wheatear,Whinchat,Garden Warbler,2 Whitethroat,15 Willow Warbler,4 Razorbill, 10 Guillemot,Shag and 3 Arctic Skua.

Lower Heswall
Tree Pipit and Yellow Wagtail both flying south over and a Hobby.

Meols Common
3 Wheatear on groyne.

Leasowe Lighthouse
Garden Warbler,Spotted Flycatcher by Lingham Lane bridge,13 Wheatear and a Yellow Wagtail (over)

Red Rocks
70+ House Martins on roof of Red Rocks nursing home this morning.

Newchurch Common
Smew of unknown origin-Adult female on the large pool north of the track and 1st Winter Mediterranean Gull.

3 Common Sandpiper,Little Ringed Plover and a Lesser Whitethroat

Sandbach Flashes
Garganey-Elton Hall Flash.
29 Black Tailed Godwit-Railway Flash.

Woolston Eyes
8 Greenshank,5 Green Sandpiper,Curlew,Dunlin,12 Snipe,55 Black Tailed Godwit,2 Willow Tit,Cetti's Warbler,2 Kingfisher and a Water Rail.

Marbury Country Park
5 Ringed Plover,8 Green Sandpiper,3 Greenshank,2 Yellow Wagtail,Barn Owl,5 Dunlin,Ringed Plover,Little Ringed Plover,Black Tailed Godwit and 2 Little Egret.