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News of a locastella species came out mid afternoon on sunday as a possible Pallas'a Grasshopper warbler in Norfolk.The bird was identified just after 6.00pm as being one and it showed well intermittently until dusk and even showed sat out on some  brambles.I was GRIPPED OFF! 
After numerous attempts to see this species,3 on mainland Britain and 4 on Shetland,2 of which ended up being just Grasshopper warblers I just couldn't get excited about this one.I was totally convinced the bird wouldn't be there in the morning and went into work to do my nightshift.
I finished work in the morning and headed home for some sleep as there was no sign of the bird.At 9.30am the bird was refound,"SHIT"!!!!!
I just couldn't get myself motivated for the bird"so tired","Norfolk","4 Hours away","dipped so many"!.Anyway news then came out no further sign by 10.00am then all went quiet.Then at 10.45am it was seen again,the phone then rang it was Dan Pointon,It went something like this as I was so tired"Were going I'll meet you on the A50,you won't see it at home!
I was off I just needed that bit of encouragement to step out the front door.There was no news on the bird whilst travelling across until 13.45pm that said it was still there,we were still 2 hours way!
We arrived on site just after 16.00pm and could see everyone running around in the distance,this was going to be a nightmare!By the time we had reached where the bird was everyone had thankfully calmed down and were waiting for the bird to show.After an hour of waiting around some lads decided to do an organised flush.For the amount of people that were there it went well and the bird appeared from a ditch and showed well for Dan before it popped up in some reeds briefly for me to see.At last my first Pallas's Grasshopper warbler in Britain,I couldn't believe I had actually seen one.I did get better views of the bird as it sat in the bottom of a hawthorn bush and a few flight views as the evening progressed.

News then spread around that birders cars were under water as the tide was coming in at nearby Burnham overy carpark.Iv'e never seen people run like it.Hilarious!

The evening was now upon us so we decided to stay over and travel back tomorrow.We headed for a local youth hostel and then went for a meal and a few celebratory beers.
We got up for 6.00am and headed back to the site where we managed to get even better views of the Pallas's grasshopper warbler.We had it  sat out in a ditch and moving through the reeds.After great views of the bird we headed to Wells wood to have a look for a Arctic warbler but the bird had gone.We headed home after this with another great bird on our lists.